The peaks of K-State's Holtz Hall

Explore your options

Choosing a major is an important first step in your academic journey, and K-State is here to offer you personalized support along the way.

Major possibilities

With endless options and possibilities, choosing a major can seem like an overwhelming task. But it’s OK if you don’t know what you want to major in yet! You can rest assured that at K-State, you will find the resources you need to help you narrow down your interests and find your academic path to success.

Advisor assisting a student with degree program choices.

Find your focus with exploratory studies

Choosing exploratory studies is a great way to explore a variety of academic programs while staying on track.

  • Work closely with a professional advisor who will help you explore your interests.
  • Progress through K-State’s general education requirements.
  • Seamlessly transition into your chosen degree program.

Learn more about exploratory studies

Your degree, your way.

If you have a good idea of what you want to study but are not ready to choose a major, we’ve got you covered! Several of K-State’s academic colleges offer a general education program so that you can get started on your general requirements while you find the major that best suits you.

Discover a future filled with possibility and fulfillment

A survey of recent bachelor’s degree graduates from K-State shows a 97 percent placement rate. That means the majority of K-Staters are employed or continuing their education after graduation! Want to see where their paths to success are taking them?