Options & Support

The Center for Advocacy, Response and Education is available to students, faculty, and staff at all Kansas State University campuses.


Resource Wheel

Resources and Support:

Manhattan Campus:






Olathe Campus

Polytechnic Campus

K-State's "Here to Help" Guide

What does violence look like?

Violence comes in many forms and is a pattern of behavior which is intended to establish and maintain control over an individual. Violence can be carried out through physical, sexual, emotional, or financial acts; it can be carried out through one of these means or a combination. Violence may occur once or repeatedly. Sexual and domestic violence are often used as umbrella terms to capture all behavior, whether or illegal or legal, that terrorize and remove choice from another's life. While most imagine rape, sexual assault, and abuse within a relationship to look like traditional violence (use of weapons, solely physical, force, etc.), sexual and domestic violence often look like and contain behavior that is not what we traditionally consider violence (berating, manipulating and controlling finances, threats, repeated unwanted contact, etc.).

Sexual and intpersonal violence is a choice and is never the fault of the victim.