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College of Veterinary Medicine Core Facilities

Welcome to the Confocal Core!

The Confocal Microscopy Core was established in 2002 upon an alignment of expertise, need, vision, altruism, and funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH-P20-RR017686), the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), and Kansas State University (KSU).  The Core provides expertise, training and access to equipment for confocal microscopy and microfluorometry. 

The Confocal Core has served nearly 600 faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows and students from 15 departments and five colleges at Kansas State University.  The Core is currently funded by CVM-KSU.  Users are are expected to acknowledge in all publications: Confocal Core supported by CVM-KSU. Instrument fees are as follows:



Dissection workstation=free

LSM 700=$10.11 internal/$15.37 external

LSM 880 and 880 Airyscan=$12.93 internal/$19.66 external

Confocal Facility Manager

Joel Sanneman
Assistant Scientist
Coles 219