Before Leaving K-State Student Checklist

Do these tasks before you leave K-State, or as soon as you receive an email notification that access to your data will be removed soon.

  • Email
    See the Leaving K-State webpage for details.
  • Review mailing lists.
    Delete any mailing lists you don't want to keep.
  • Copy any files you are entitled to keep, including:
    • Office 365 OneDrive files
    • Files on your office computer
    • Files on the central Unix system
    • Files on your departmental or central file server
    • Your personal webpages
    After 30 days, your data is deleted from the central computer systems and backups. After one year, your OneDrive files and folders will be deleted and will not be recoverable.
  • Remove application that belongs to K-State.
    Remove applications on your personal computer that was received under a Kansas State University site license or volume-purchase agreement, including but not limited to the following list:
    • Remove applications obtained through K-State Application Licenses.
    • Remove course-related applications received through your department.
    • Remove applications received through the Microsoft Office and/or Microsoft Windows Work at Home program.
  • Students in residence halls: Reset Microsoft Windows Update Service.
    Point your computer back to the Microsoft Windows Update Service. If you don't, your computer will stop getting Microsoft updates, including security updates, and it will be more vulnerable to malware and hackers.
    1. Download K-State's SUS Removal file and save it to your computer's desktop.
    2. Double-click the "SUSRemoval.exe" file on your desktop. This will reset your computer to point to the Microsoft Windows Update Service.