Welcome to the home page of KSGC

Members of the KANSAS SPACE GRANT CONSORTIUM (KSGC) include Emporia State University, Fort Hayes State University, Haskell Indian Nations University, Kansas State University, Kansas University, Pittsburgh State University, Wichita State University, and the Kansas Cosmosphere &; Space Center. The goal of the Consortium is the development of initiatives that support both national and state priorities that derive from NASA's vision, mission, and strategic enterprises (see the NASA page).

At Kansas State University, the Space Grant Program provides support for undergraduate and graduate training through the mechanisms of scholarship and fellowship wards that develop mentoring and research opportunities for students. In addition, the Space Grants support research infrastructure consistent with NASA goals. A special emphasis of the Kansas Space Grant program is the development of multidisciplinary research activities and expertise involving cooperative efforts among the student and faculty of the member universities.

KSGC Vision Statement

In the 21st Century, Kansas will be known worldwide as a leader in aviation and space education, research and industry.

KSGC Mission Statement

The Kansas Space Grant Consortium will be a catalyst for Kansas to be a leader in aviation and space education, research and industry.


Excerpted from Kansas Space Grant Consortium Strategic Plan (revised and approved by the KSGC Executive Committee in 2004)

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