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2nd floor, Hale Library
1117 Mid Campus Dr. N
Manhattan, KS 66506-0121


Rules for Assigning the Section Values 

When Section Values are assigned to a class, there are specific rules that need to be followed.  The Class Section designation reflects which K-State campus the class is part of and which component of the class it is such as a lecture, lab, quiz or other.

Class Section

Primary Components 
Manhattan CampusLetters, beginning with 'A' and progressing through the alphabet.
If additional letters are needed, proceed with 'AA', 'AB', etc. (Ex. A, B, C, D, etc.)
Manhattan DCESame as Manhattan Campus, prefixing with a 'Z'. (Ex. ZA, ZB, ZC, ZD, etc.)
Olathe CampusSame as Manhattan Campus, prefixing with an 'O'. (Ex: OA, OB, OC, OD, etc.)
Salina CampusSame as Manhattan Campus, prefixing with a 'S'. (Ex. SA, SB, SC, SD, etc.)
Salina DCESame as Manhattan Campus, prefixing with a 'T'. (Ex. TA, TB, TC, TD, etc.)


Secondary Components

Manhattan CampusSecondary components are to be assigned a 2-digit number followed by a suffix indicating the type of component beign assigned (see chart below for a list of components and prefixes).  (Ex. Labs would be labeled as 01B, 02B, 03B, etc.)
Manhattan DCESame as Manhattan Campus, prefixing with a 'Z'. (Ex. Labs would be labeled as Z01B, Z02B, Z03B, etc.)
Olathe CampusSame as Manhattan Campus, prefixing with an 'O'. (Ex. Labs would be labeled as O01B, O02B, O03B, etc.)
Salina CampusSame as Manhattan Campus, prefixing with a 'S'. (Ex. Labs would be labeled as S01B, S02B, S03B, etc.)
Salina DCESame as Manhattan Campus, prefixing with a 'T'. (Ex. Labs would be labeled as T01B, T02B, T03B, etc.)

Components and Suffixes

Field ExperienceXQuizQ
Independent StudyIRecitationR
Individual InstructionDResearchC
LaboratoryBSelf PacedF
LessonsNStudent TeachingG