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K-State Today

University's Global Campus scholarships provide financial assistance to distance students for spring semester

Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015



MANHATTAN — Kansas State University Global Campus has awarded $35,100 worth of scholarships to distance students across the country for the spring 2015 semester. Scholarships include the Maurine Allison O'Bannon Memorial Scholarship, the K-State Global Campus Scholarship and scholarships through collaborations with the university's colleges.

Scholarships available through K-State Global Campus provide financial support specifically for nontraditional students pursuing their degrees online while balancing work, family, military service or other responsibilities.

"The distance education program at K-State is an education opportunity that works perfectly for me," said Amber Morrison, senior in general business from Yates Center and a Business Administration Scholarship recipient. "Being able to do all of my schoolwork from home is the only way I could at this moment in my life. This scholarship will help me tremendously because I am funding my education on my own."

Along with Morrison, the following students are recipients of spring 2015 scholarships:

Cathy Hamner, senior in general business, Blue Rapids, Business Administration Scholarship; Daina Bitters, senior in dietetics, O'Bannon Scholarship, and Jenna Gannon, master's student in academic advising, Education Scholarship, both from Lawrence; Alex Anderson, sophomore in technology management, Technology and Aviation Scholarship, and Marie Bovee, master's student in adult and continuing education, O'Bannon Scholarship, both from Manhattan; Denise Koehn, junior in general business, McPherson, Business Administration Scholarship; Stephanie Plaschka, junior in family studies and human services, Moran, K-State Global Campus Scholarship; Richard Waliser, master's student in software engineering, Olathe, Engineering Scholarship; Wesley Green, senior in food science and industry, Paola, Agriculture Scholarship; Janette George, senior in social science, Spring Hill, Arts and Sciences Scholarship; Charles Conaway, junior in social science, Topeka, Arts and Sciences Scholarship; and Christopher Dean, master's student in operations research, Engineering Scholarship, and Stephanie Griffin, senior in nutrition and health, Human Nutrition Scholarship, both from Wichita.

From out of state:

Caroline Clausen, junior in food science and industry, Anaheim, California, K-State Global Campus Scholarship; Sarah Warren, master's student in academic advising, San Diego, California, Education Scholarship; Heather Moe, master's student in operations research, Panama City Beach, Florida, Engineering Scholarship; Lindyn Bell, freshman in dietetics, Joliet, Illinois, K-State Global Campus Scholarship; Dustin Oldenkamp, senior in food science and industry, South Sioux City, Nebraska, Agriculture Scholarship; Stacie Lynch, senior in dietetics, Warwick, New York, O'Bannon Scholarship; Lori Schrader, senior in family studies and human services, Lebanon, Ohio, K-State Global Campus Scholarship; Diana Lovendino, master's student in academic advising, Midwest City, Oklahoma, Education Scholarship; Tara Geil, junior in dietetics, Lakeview, Oregon, K-State Global Campus Scholarship; Christie Geary, senior in animal sciences and industry, Sarver, Pennsylvania, Agriculture Scholarship; Carlos Bauza, master's student in mechanical engineering, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Engineering Scholarship; Danielle Decker, junior in human ecology, Summerville, South Carolina, K-State Global Campus Scholarship; Cornell Sneed, master's student in academic advising, Johnson City, Tennessee, Education Scholarship; Andrew Garr, master's student in agribusiness, Fort Worth, Texas, Agriculture Scholarship; Katherine Elks, master's student in merchandising, Kerrville, Texas, O'Bannon Scholarship; Daniel Allred, master's student in academic advising, Brigham City, Utah, O'Bannon Scholarship; Kylie Hermansen, senior in dietetics, Logan, Utah, K-State Global Campus Scholarship; and Patrice Lyon, master's student in food science, Pullman, Washington, Agriculture Scholarship.

View available scholarships at http://www.global.k-state.edu/students/services/scholarships or find out how to give back to K-State Global Campus to support distance education students at http://www.found.ksu.edu/global-campus


Maleah Lundeen


Global Campus scholarships

News tip

Blue Rapids, Lawrence, Manhattan, McPherson, Moran, Olathe, Paola, Spring Hill, Topeka, Wichita and Yates Center, Kansas; Anaheim and San Diego, California; Panama City Beach, Florida; Joliet, Illinois; South Sioux City, Nebraska; Warwick, New York; Lebanon, Ohio; Midwest City, Oklahoma; Lakeview, Oregon; Sarver, Pennsylvania; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Summerville, South Carolina; Johnson City, Tennessee; Forth Worth and Kerrville, Texas; Brigham City and Logan, Utah; and Pullman, Washington.

Written by

Bailey Kaufman

At a glance

Distance education students at Kansas State University have received more than $35,000 in K-State Global Campus scholarships.