Diavolo sets architecture in motion for McCain performance April 1
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
MANHATTAN — Diavolo, a company of daredevil dancers, is returning to Kansas State University's McCain Performance Series at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 1, in McCain Auditorium.
Diavolo members are dancers, gymnasts, actors, athletes and, above all, teammates. Under the guidance of artistic director Jacques Heim, they collaboratively develop work on oversized surrealistic sets and everyday structures.
Themes of isolation, fear, destiny, survival, faith, modernization, destination and danger help illustrate the effect of our surroundings on our daily lives. The structural elements and surrealistic set pieces of Diavolo create a sense of daring through dramatic movement that juxtaposes human fragility and survival.
By working together with the elements of danger created by architectural environments, Diavolo expresses the challenges of relationships, the absurdities of life and the struggle to maintain our humanity in the shadow of an increasingly technological world.
Tickets for Diavolo's performance start at $17, plus applicable taxes and fees, and are available now at the McCain Auditorium box office, online at http://www.k-state.edu/mccain, or by calling 785-532-6428.