Biology 625
Fall semester lecture note outline
Updated: 13 March 2005
The text below simply represents a crude lecture outline of one of the topics covered in class. It
is not meant to substitute for attending lectures or ignoring the textbook. Additional material,
including line drawings, kodachromes, and more extensive information on life-cycles and basic
biology, will be supplied in the lectures.
TOPIC 45. Order: Diptera; suborder: Nematocera
- antennae with many segments; filamentous
- many males have very elaborate (plumose) antennae to detect female
pheromones; females tend to have simple antennae
- wings have many veins, which is a fairly primative condition
- larvae with well-developed head capsule
- larvae often quite active and many free-swimming
- most species have larvae and pupae that are aquatic or develop in wet soils
- includes mosquitos, sand flies, midges, and black flies
FAMILY: Simulidae (black flies)
- over 1,720 named species and about 26 genera
- small flies, generally dark although some species lighter in color
- mainly temperate or subarctic; many exceptions however
- most species with hump-back appearance
- antennae with 11 segments, without hairs; ocelli absent
- wings wide, and have well developed anterior veins but poor venation
elsewhere in wing
- females with serrated mandibles used to cut skin; females also
feed on nectar; males with reduced
mouthparts and feed solely on nectar
- Large pair of compound eyes
- Females dichoptic (eyes separated on top of head)
- Males holoptic (eyes touch on top of head); males also with larger
lenses on upper portion of eye
- life-cycle of typical Simulium sp.
- females require blood meal for proper ovarian development
- females enter water and oviposit submerged; 150-800 eggs per
- eggs layed in flowing, well oxygenated waters
- larvae hatch 1-4 days; attach by a posterior disclike sucker ("anal
sucker" or "posterior circlet") to a silken mat it
produces and hangs downstream and filter feeds using fanlike
projections around mouth
- 6-9 larval instars
- spins cocoon and transforms into pupa
- in a 2-6 days to several weeks, the adult emerges
- copulation in flight
- some species are important pests of livestock and wildlife, and large numbers
can kill their hosts
- vectors of some Onchocerca spp. (i.e. Onchocerca gutterosa infecting
bovids; Onchocerca volvulus infecting humans)
- vectors of some Leukocytozoon spp. (i.e. Leukocytozoon simondi infecting
anseriform birds is transmitted by Simulium rugglesi; Leukocytozoon smithi
infecting turkeys is transmitted by several Simulium spp.)
- representative genera include Cnephia, Prosimulim, Simulium
- Kansas is known to host 14 spp. of blackflies, all of which are
distributed widely within North America (2002, J. Kansas Ent.
Soc. 75: 203-213). At least 5 other species are thought to occur in
Kansas, although none of these have yet been verified. The primary pests
Simulium meridionale,
S. vittatum (complex) and, to a lesser extent, S.
- Cnephia dacotensis
- Extemnia taeniatifrons
- Stegopterna mutata
- Simulium argus
- Simulium bivittatum (not verified)
- Simulium confusum (not verified)
- Simulium decorum
- Simulium griseum (not verified)
- Simulium jacumbae
- Simulium jenningsi
- Simulium johannseni
- Simulium luggeri
- Simulium meridionale
- Simulium ozarkense (not verified)
- Simulium pilosum
- Simulium trivittatum (not verified)
- Simulium tuberosum
- Simulium venustum
- Simulium vittatum
FAMILY: Culicidae (mosquitos)
- Over 3,500 described species
- some host specific whereas others more generalists
- slender wings with scales on the wings
- elongate proboscis where labium encloses elongated mandibles, maxillae,
hypopharynx, and labrum/epipharynx; inserted into dermis and used to imbibe
blood; males feed on nectar and cannot suck blood
- antennae long, with 14-15 segments
- males have plumose antennae to detect pheromones; females have simple
- long slender legs
- Presence of numerous appressed scales on thorax, legs, abdomen, and
wing veins; fringe scales along posterior margin of wings
- typical life-cycle
- mating occurs shortly after emergence from pupae
- females usually mate once, and store sperm in spermatheca
- females of most species require blood meal for maturation of eggs in
ovary. Eggs develop over several-many hours
- female lays eggs (oviposition); may be laid in water in rafts, or
individually or in small numbers in water or soil; depends upon species
- females may take 1-2 more blood meals, with egg maturation and
oviposition after each feeding
- eggs hatch either soon or, in other species, following flooding or
snow melt
- larvae are termed wigglers and occur in water
- some with a siphon (breathing tube at posterior end)
- well developed head
- compound eyes
- 4 larval instars; most filter feeders although some predators on other
- pupate; pupae termed tumblers and periodically stick breathing tubes
from thorax (trumpets) above water; tumble to bottom if detect disturbance
- after 2-3 days, adult emerges
- females typically live 1-2 weeks in tropical areas, and 3-4 weeks in
temperate areas; males shorter lived
- vectors of some important diseases
- Plasmodium spp. (malaria) transmitted by Anopholes spp.
- Some filarids transmitted by mosquitos
- Arboviruses like avian pox, yellow fever, dengue, various types of
- Three subfamilies
- Subfamily: Toxorhynchitinae
- One genus (Toxorhynchites) with about 75 spp. Although mainly
tropical, a few species occur within North America
- Adults large, ca 2 cm long and colorful
- Proboscis curves backwards; incapable of piercing skin
- Larvae large and predatory; often dark reddish
- Subfamily: Culicinae
- Eggs usually elongate or ovoid; some have ends drawn out into terminal
- Larvae with siphon
- Larvae hang upside down at angle from water surface, with siphon
touching water surface (except for two genera which insert siphon into
aquatic plants for respiration
- Pupae with long, fairly cylindroid trumpets
- Adults rest with body parallel to substrate surface, and with
proboscis not in line with rest of body
- Wing veins solid, brown or black in color
- Palps without pale rings
- Palps of females shorter than proboscis; palps of males about as long
as proboscis
- Male palps not swollen anteriorly
- About 38 genera (depending upon the author) and 2,700 named spp.
- Genera occurring within North America
- Aedes (ca 4 spp. in the U.S.)
- Coquillettidia (ca 1 sp. in the U.S.)
- Culex (ca 29 spp. in the U.S.)
- Culiseta (ca 8 spp. in the U.S.)
- Deinocerites (ca 3 spp. in the U.S.)
- Haemagogus (ca 1 sp. in the U.S.)
- Mansonia (ca 2 spp. in the U.S.)
- Ochlerotatus (ca 77 spp. in the U.S.)
- Orthopodomyia (ca 3 spp. in the U.S.)
- Psorophora (ca 15 spp. in the U.S.)
- Uranotaenia (ca 2 spp. in the U.S.)
- Wyeomyia (ca. 4 spp. in the U.S.)
- Genera not occurring within North America (portions of this were
derived from
the Walter Reed Biosystematics Group website)
- Aedeomyia (ca 6 spp.)
- Armigeres (ca 50 spp.)
- Ayurakitia (ca 2 spp., Thailand)
- Eretmapodites (ca 48 spp., Africa)
- Ficalbia (ca 7 spp.)
- Galindomyia (1 sp., Colombia)
- Haemagogus (ca 28 spp., Central and South America)
- Heizmannia (ca 38 spp., Indo-China)
- Hodgesia (ca 11 spp.)
- Isostomyia (5 spp., Central and South America)
- Johnbelkinia (3 spp., Central and South America)
- Limatus (ca 8 spp., Central and South America)
- Malaya (ca 12 spp.)
- Maorigoeldia (1 sp., New Zealand)
- Mimomyia (ca 43 spp.)
- Onirion (ca 7 spp., Central and South America)
- Opifex (1 sp., New Zealand)
- Runchomyia (7 spp., Central and South America)
- Sabethes (ca 36 spp., Mexico, Central and South America)
- Shannoniana (3 spp., Mexico, Central, and South America)
- Topomyia (ca 47 spp., Indo-China)
- Trichoprosopon (ca 13 spp., Central and South America)
- Tripteroides (ca 118 spp., Indo-China and Pacific basin)
- Udaya (3 spp., India and Malaya)
- Verrallina (ca 93 spp., Indo-China and Pacific basin)
- Zeugnomyia (ca 3 spp., Indo-Pacific)
- Subfamily: Anophelinae
- Eggs typically laid singly on water surface; typically boat-shaped and
with lateral floats
- Siphon absent; larvae lies parallel to water surface and feeds on
- Pupae with short, conical trumpets
- Adults of most species rest with bodies at angle to substrate, with
proboscis and body in straight line
- Generally light and dark blots of scales on wing veins (i.e. spotted
- Palps dark and often with pale rings
- Palps of both males and females about as long as proboscis
- Male palps expanded at ends
- Most species nocturnal, or feed in evening or early morning
- Molecular evidence suggests a South American origin to this subfamily,
and that this group arose in the Mesozoic
- Only three genera known
- Anopheles with ca 440 spp. At least 22 spp. occur within the
United States (see below). Those with ranges that extend into
Kansas are indicated by an asterisk. In time, a few additional species may
be found to occur here
- Anopheles albimanus
- Anopheles atropos
- Anopheles barberi*
- Anopheles bradleyi
- Anopheles crucians*
- Anopheles diluvialis
- Anopheles earlei
- Anopheles franciscanus*
- Anopheles freeborni
- Anopheles georgianus
- Anopheles grabhamii
- Anopheles hermsi
- Anopheles inundatus
- Anopheles judithae
- Anopheles maverlius
- Anopheles occidentalis
- Anopheles perplexans
- Anopheles pseudopunctipennis*
- Anopheles punctipennis*
- Anopheles quadrimaculatus*
- Anopheles smaragdinus
- Anopheles walkeri*
- Bironella with ca 8 spp. (Australasian; does not occur in North
- Chagasia with ca 4 pp. (Neotropical; does not occur in North
FAMILY: Psychodidae; Subfamily: Phlebotominae (sand flies)
- 700 spp and about 6 genera; only 3 genera suck blood
- slender flies, 1.2-3.5 mm long
- elongate wings that are lanceolate, held erect over body at about 60
degree angle when fly is at rest; weak fliers
- cutting mandibles; no proboscis like moquitos
- males never suck blood and feed on plant juices; females feed both on
plant juices and take blood meals
- most species nocturnal; few diurnal however
- exoskeleton delicate; need to avoid hot, dry conditions
- life-cycle
- females attracted to areas with feces or decaying vegetation; males
often territorial in these areas
- following mating and a blood meal, females lay eggs in dark areas with
high humidity and the organic debris; several eggs layed at a time
- larvae hatch and feed on organic debris
- larvae with two pair of long, posterior (caudal) bristles
- 4 larval instars (2-10 weeks total); some larvae overwinter
- pupate; lasts about 10 days
- larval skin still remains attached to posterior end of pupa, so that
the two pair of posterior bristles of the larvae remain
- 3 important genera and some others of lesser importance
- Lutzomyia (new world) (14 spp known from the U.S.)
- Lutzomyia anthophora - known to occur throughout southern Texas
- Lutzomyia apache - distribution includes Arizona, New Mexico
- Lutzomyia aquilonia - distribution includes Washington state,
northern Colorado, and southern Alberta
- Lutzomyia californica - distribution includes California,
Washington state, Arizona, and eastern Texas.
- Lutzomyia cruciata - known from northeastern Florida and
southeastern Georgia
- Lutzomyia cubensis - known from southern Florida
- Lutzomyia diabolica - known to occur throughout much of Texas
- Lutzomyia oppidana - distribution includes Washington state,
southern British Columbia, northern Colorado, western Montana, and eastern
- Lutzomyia shannoni - throughout the southeastern and
eastern portions of the U.S. Widely distributed.
- Lutzomyia stewarti - known to occur throughout much
of California
- Lutzomyia tanyopsis - known from southern Arizona
- Lutzomyia texana - known to occur throughout southern Texas
- Lutzomyia vexator - distribution very wide. Known to
occur throughout the western one-half of the United States, the
entire southern one-half of the United States, along the entire
east coast, and into southern Alberta and southern Ontario. Probably
occurs throughout the U.S.
- Lutzomyia xerophila - known from
Southern California
- Brumptomyia (New World)
- Phlebotomus (Old world)
- Sergentomyia (Old world)
- Warileya (New World)
- sandflies in North America (Young and Perkins, 1984, Mosquito News 44:
263-304). Although I am not aware of any official reports of
sandflies from Kansas, probable species in this state would be
Lutzomyia aquilonia, L. oppidana, L. shannoni, and L.
vexator. Perhaps L. californica as well
- capable of carrying various diseases
- Carrion's disease (Bartonella bacilliformes) in South America; bone,
joint, and muscle pains; occasionally death
- Sandfly fever, an Arbovirus in the Mediterranean/Asia/India area
a non-fatal, febril illness
- Leishmania spp.
FAMILY: Ceratopogonidae (biting midges, no-see-ums)
- 5500 or more described spp; 125 genera
- small dipterans, less than 1 mm in length
- mainly day feeders
- most spp feed on insects. Some feed on
cold-blooded vertebrates and 4 genera are known to feed on mammals.
- Austroconops
- Culicoides
- Forcipomyia
- Leptoconops
- the genus Culicoides, with about 1,200 species, is
the most important (although some members of the genus Leptoconops
can also pose a biting problem)
- pair of humeral pits (depressions) located at anterior, dorsal end of
- many spp have thorax covered by small, dark spots
- females feed on plant juices and also suck blood
- males with plumose antennae
- wings narrow, with few veins and often spots
- females deposit eggs in water or moist soils; common sites include in
decaying vegetations, cattle manure, and temporary tree or stump holes with
- vectors of some diseases
- bluetongue (an orbivirus) is a hemorrhagic disease of ruminants
- some filarids, i.e. several Mansonella spp., a couple of Onchocerca
- some malarias (some Leukocytozoon spp., some Haemoproteus spp.,
some Hepatocystis spp.)
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