Biology 625
Fall semester lecture note outline
Updated: 18 March 2005
The text below simply represents a crude lecture outline of one of the topics covered in class. It
is not meant to substitute for attending lectures or ignoring the textbook. Additional material,
including line drawings, kodachromes, and more extensive information on life-cycles and basic
biology, will be supplied in the lectures.
TOPIC 34. Haemosporinids (malaria)
ague (middle English, originally old French, "ague" means "sharp
malaria (from the early italians, meaning "bad air")
paludisme (latin root "paludosum" means "swampy" or "marshy")
paroxysm (sudden attack, recurrence, or intensification of
- macrogametes and microgamonts develop independently
- syzygy absent
- microgametocyte produces 8 flagellated microgametes
- zygote motile (ookinete)
- conoid present in ookinete stage only
- sporozoites naked in oocyst (without sporocysts)
- heteroxenous, with merogony and gamogony in vertebrate host and
fertilization and sporogony in definitive host (blood sucking insect)
- hemozoin pigment produced in some genera
- all 10 genera within the single family Plasmodiidae
- genera distinguished by structure of erythrocytic stages, type of endogenous
development in tissues, and the type of vector employed
- Haemoproteus
- gamonts in erythrocytes
- merogony in endothelial cells of blood vessels, especially in
lungs; no erythrocytic merogony
- hemozoin produced
- vectors hippoboscid flies, gnats, and tabanids
- vertebrate hosts birds, reptiles, and amphibia
- about 160 named species
- Leukocytozoon
- gamonts in leukocytes and/or erythrocytes
- merogony in visceral organs; no erythrocytic merogony
- hemozoin absent
- vectors blackflies or gnats
- vertebrate hosts birds
- about 60 named and valid species
- Plasmodium
- gamonts in erythrocytes
- merogony in erythrocytes and in other tissues
- hemozoin present
- vectors mosquitos or sandflies
- vertebrate hosts include mammals, birds, reptiles
- about 180 named species
- You will not be tested over the following genera: Dionisia (in bats);
Hepatocystis (bats, monkeys, hippopotami, squirrels); Mesnilium (in
fish); Nycteria (in bats), Polchromophilus (in bats); Rayella (flying
squirrels); Saurocytozoon (reptiles)
- some malarias are relapsing malarias, where dormant sporozoites
(hypnozoites) or merozoites (cryptozoites) may re-inititate infections
when immunity wanes
- typical Plasmodium sp life-cycle
- sporozoites enter wound with bite of vector; in this case mosquitos
- to liver (some sporozoites of some species may remain dormant to
initiate infections when immunity wanes. Termed hypnozoites).
- undergo 1-2 asexual (merogonous) generations (exoerthrocytic cycle)
- merozoites liberated (some may remain dormant to initiate infections
later when immunity wanes. Termed cystozoites).
- enter erythrocytes
- undergo merogony (erythrocytic cycle)
- merozoites rupture from meront (also termed a segmenter or schizont)
and initate new infection in new erythrocyte
- some malarias have merogonous cycles that become synchronized;
typically 48-72 hour cycles
- some merozoites form gamonts (macrogamonts and microgamonts)
- gamonts ingested by vector
- microgamont rapidly matures into microgametocyte; exflagellation
where the 8 microgametes are released
- fertilization
- zygote motile (ookinete) and migrates across gut wall
- oocysts develop in cells under serosal membrane, and project into
- sporozoites form in oocysts, rupture, and migrate to salivary glands
- representative species
- Haemoproteus columbae (columbiform birds/dipterans)
- Haemoproteus meleagridis (turkeys/hippoboscids)
- Haemoproteus nettionis (anseriform birds/midges)
- Leukocytozoon caulleryi (chickens/midges)
- Leukocytozoon simondi (anseriform birds/blackflies)
- Leukocytozoon smithi (turkeys/blackflies)
- Plasmodium berghi (rodents/mosquitos)
- Plasmodium cathemerium (passeriform birds/mosquitos)
- Plasmodium falciparum (humans/anopheline mosquitoes)
- non-relapsing malaria
- small rRNA sequences suggest this malaria to be more closely related
to Plasmodium reichenowi, a chimpanzee malaria, and Plasmodium
gallinaceum and Plasmodium lophurae, both
avian malarias, than to the other three human malarias
- one study suggested that there may have been 515 million clinical
episodes of Plasmodium falciparum infection in 2002 (2005, Nature,
434: 214-217)
- Plasmodium knowlesi (baboons/anopheline mosquitoes)
- natural hosts baboons, where chronic infections occur. However,
experimentally, it infects a wide range of primates where infections can
be acute
- phylogenetically, closely related to Plasmodium vivax
- may infect humans; in doing so it is often mistaken for Plasmodium
malariae as it generates a "band" stage in erythrocytes
- Plasmodium malariae (humans/anopheline mosquitoes)
- once thought to be a relapsing malaria, but now known to
be recrudescence (up to 53 years)
- also infects non-human primates, unlike the other three human malarias
- parasitemia levels low, only about one in 20,000 erythrocytes are
- this malaria is virtually identical both morphologically and
genetically to Plasmodium brasilianum, which infects a wide range
of non-human primates
- Plasmodium ovale (humans/anopheline mosquitoes)
- a relapsing malaria
- more closely related to Plasmodium vivax than it is to other
human malarias
- Plasmodium relictum (passeriform and columbiform birds/mosquitos)
- Plasmodium vivax (humans/anopheline mosquitoes)
- a relapsing malaria
- more closely related to Plasmodium cynomolgi, a monkey malaria,
than it is to the other three human malarias
- malaria has been used as a biological warfare agent. In 1809, Napoleon
flooded the Holland countryside to allow malaria to become rampant. The
British Army (Walcheren) expedition became so stricken between August
and October of that year that they were unable to sustain the campaign.
Over 4,000 troops are reported to have died of the disease and another
10,000 could no longer continue with military service. In the book "The
Miraculous Fever-Tree:
Malaria and the Quest for a Cure that Changed the World," Fiammetta
Rocco quotes Napoleon as stating "We must oppose the English with nothing
but fever, which will soon devour them all."
- A variety of notable people have been reported to suffer from malaria.
I've never seen a comprehensive listing, so I went ahead and put together a
list of notables reputed to have suffered from malaria.
Clearly, history
has been profoundly affected by this parasite.
- American Presidents
- George Washington, 1st president (1789-1797) developed his first bout
with malaria in Virginia in 1749 at age 17. He had periodic attacks,
recorded in 1752, 1761, 1784, and 1798. He was treated in 1784, which
either didn't work or he acquired a new infection
- James Monroe, 5th president (1817-1825) caught malaria while
visiting a swampy area along the Mississippi in 1785. He continued to
have bouts for many years
- Andrew Jackson, 7th president (1829-1837) is thought to have
contracted malaria in Florida swamps during the Seminole campaigns of
- Abraham Lincoln, 16th president (1861-1865) had periodic bouts of
malaria when growing up
- Ulysses S. Grant, 18th president (1869-1877) had "ague" throughout the
- James A. Garfield, 20th president (1881) developed "ague" in 1848
in Ohio at age 16
- Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president (1901-1909) acquired malaria during
a visit to Brazil in 1914
- John F. Kennedy, 35th president (1961-1963) acquired malaria during
WWII, about 1943
- Entertainers/Newscasters
- Don Adams, actor and director, acquired malaria at Guadalcanal during
- Actor Errol Flynn's recurrent bouts of malaria kept him out of WWII
- Actress Peta Wilson (La Femme Nikita), raised in Papau, New Guinea,
suffered a 9 month bout of malaria in 1975 at age 14
- Actress Carol Landis acquired malaria (and amoebic dysentery) while
touring with the USO in the South Pacific in 1945
- Actor Raymond Burr had numerous bouts of malaria during his life,
presumably acquired during WWII
- Actor and war hero Audie Murphy acquired malaria in Italy during WWII
- Actor Michael Caine picked up malaria when he served with the Royal
Fusiliers during the Korean War
- Actor Christopher Lee developed malaria on multiple occasions while
stationed in Africa during WWII
- Actor Michael Dudikoff (American Ninja) acquired malaria while filming
in the Philippines
- Actor Jeremy Piven contracted malaria while filming "PCU" and had to
be hospitalized
- Al Jolson acquired malaria during WWII while touring with the USO in
the mid-1940's
- Steve Reeves, body builder (titles include Mr. America, Mr. World, and
Mr. Universe) and star of "Hercules," acquired malaria
in the Philippines in 1944 or 1945
- Chris Matthews (MSNBCs Hardball) was hospitalized in 2003 due to
malaria that he apparently contracted in Africa or Israel
- Anderson Cooper, former ABC news correspondent, acquired malaria in
South Africa during his senior year in High School
- Amrish Puri, who played "Mola Ram" in Indiana Jones and the Temple of
Doom, died in January 2005 of a blood clot to the brain while being
treated for malaria
- Athletes
- Roberto Clemente, baseball player with the Pittsburgh Pirates
1955-1972, developed malaria in 1965
- Kenyan born Wilson Kipeter, 800m champion, developed malaria in 1998
- Portsmouth soccer star Yakubu Aiyegbeni was hit with malaria after a
visit to Nigeria in 2003
- Ethiopian 200m and 400m bonze medalist Rebka Chenashu died of malaria
in 2003 at age 17
- Dikembe Mutombo, star center for the New Jersey Nets (and formerly
with the Atlanta Hawks), acquired malaria
while visiting family in the Congo in the Fall of 2000
- Olympic 3000m steeplechase champion Ezekiel Kemboi of Kenya was out of
sports much of 2004-2005 due to malaria
- Religious figures (did you know... the Vatican was moved from a
lower lying
area to its present location, with work beginning in 1574, due to...
- St. Augustine, the first Archbishop of Canterbury, died in 430 AD
after a 10 day febrile illness that some historians claim was malaria
- Pope Gregory V, often famed as the "reforming Pope," is
to have
died of malaria in 999
- Pope Damasus II died in 1048 after only about 3 weeks in office. It is
thought he died of malaria
- Pope Alexander VI, often famed as the "most corrupt Pope,"
died of malaria in 1503
- Pope Leo X died of malaria in 1521
- Pope Sixtus V died of malaria in 1590
- Giambattista Castana was elected Pope Urban VII in 1590, but died of
malaria before his coronation
- Mother Teresa was hospitalized with malaria in 1993
- Royalty (more or less)
- Emperor Titus Caesar Vespasianus Augustus died of fever, which many
historicans attribute to malaria, in AD 81.
- German King and Holy Roman Emperor Heinrich died of malaria in 1197
- Byzantine Emperor Andronicus III Palaeologus is thought to have died
of malaria in 1341
- King Edward IV died in 1483 of various complications, including
- Roman Emperor Charles V is reputed to have died of malaria in 1558
- Ethiopian Emperor Minas became ill with malaria and then died in 1563
- Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector, died of malaria in 1658
- Emperor Kangxi, second Emperor of the Qing dynasty, ruled 61 years
between 1661 and 1722. He was cured of malaria by French Jesuit
missionairies in about 1693
- Louisa Maria, Queen of Spain, was cured of malaria with quinine
("Jesuit's powder") by Robert Talbor in 1678
- King Charles II had recorded bouts of malaria in 1678 and 1679. In
1679 he was cured using quinine ("Jesuit's powder") by Robert Talbor
- King Mongkut of Thailand died in 1868 after falling ill with malaria
- Miscelleneous adventurers, soldiers, leaders, and other notable types
- Jane Goodall, naturalist, has acquired malaria on more than one
occasion in Africa
- Davy Crockett, outdoorsman and congressman, almost dies of malaria in
1816. Additional bouts, including one in 1827
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, surgeon and writer, developed malaria in the
- Alfred Russell Wallace, co-discoverer along with Charles Darwin of the
concept of Natural Selection, formulated and initially drafted his
hypothesis in 1858 during a severe attack of malaria in the Moluccas
- Meriwether Lewis, explorer, developed malaria in 1803
- Famed explorers Henry Morton Stanley and Dr. David Livingstone
both suffered from malaria and amoebic dystentery while in Africa
- Jefferson Davis, politician and Provisional President of the
Confederate States of America, developed malaria in 1835 in Louisiana. He
eventually died of a combination of the disease with bronchitis in 1889.
- Civil war general George B. McClellan acquired malaria in Mexico in
the late 1840's
- Josef Ressel, inventor of the propeller, died in 1857 of malaria
- Jesse James is reputed to have developed malaria in 1879
- General John J. Pershing developed a bout of malaria in 1898
- Mahatma Gandhi suffered periodic bouts of malaria throughout the
1930's and 1940's
- Ernest Hemingway developed malaria in October, 1922
- Lord Horatio Nelson suffered from period bouts of malaria in the
1760's and 1770's
- Spanish Explorer Alvaro Mendana de Neira, discoverer of the Soloman
Islands in 1568, died of malaria in 1595
- Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry ("We have met the enemy and they are
ours..."), who is often credited with winning the war of 1812 with his
major victory at the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813, is reputed to
have contracted malaria in
Venezuela and died of the disease in 1819
- Leon Trotsky had a bout of malaria in 1923
- Lord Byron died of malaria in Greece in 1824
- Eugene O'Neill, playwrite, acquired malaria while prospecting for gold
in Honduras in 1909
- Lucretia Garfield, first lady to President Garfield, developed malaria
in 1881. She only recovered in time to take her husband back to Elberton,
New Jersey shortly after he was shot by an assassin
- Christopher Columbus had to cut
short his fourth voyage to the new
world in 1503, again attempting to find a sea route to Asia, due (in part)
to malaria.
- Genghis Khan is thought by some to have died in 1227 of malaria,
although a number of hypotheses exist
- Alexander the Great is reputed by many scholars to have died of
malaria in 323 BC, although other scholars dispute this
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