Shauna P. Dendy
My current research projects focus on the ecology of plant disease at Konza Prairie Biological Station .
Effects of altered rainfall patterns on Puccinia dioicae infecting goldenrod
Reduced fitness of Dalea candida due to Uropyxis petalostemonis rust at different precipitation levels in the Kansas tallgrass prairie
Effects of burning and nutrient additions on Puccinia dioicae infecting Erigeron strigosus in tallgrass prairie
The effect of altered rainfall patterns on leaf rust severity in tallgrass prairie
2004. C. M. Cox, K. A. Garrett, R. L. Bowden, A. K. Fritz, S. P. Dendy, and W. F. Heer. Cultivar mixtures for the simultaneous management of multiple diseases: Tan spot and leaf rust of wheat. Phytopathology 94:961-969.
2004. K. A. Garrett, S. P. Dendy, A. G. Power, G. K. Blaisdell, H. A. Alexander, and J. K. McCarron. Barley yellow dwarf disease in natural populations of dominant tallgrass prairie species in Kansas. Plant Disease 88:574.[link]
2002. K. A. Garrett and S. P. Dendy. Prácticas culturales para el manejo del tizón tardío de la papa. [Cultural practices for late blight management.] Pages 111-120 in
Complementando la Resistencia al Tizón (Phytophthora infestans) en los Andes. E. N. Fernández-Northcote, editor. Global Initiative for Late Blight, Lima, Peru.
Kansas State University
| Plant Disease Ecology Lab
December 15, 2004