September 6, 2017
Confucius Institute to host Chinese culinary workshops for hands-on practice and food safety improvement

The K-State Confucius Institute and Kansas Department of Agriculture will host a series of Chinese culinary workshops to demonstrate proper food handling and procedures, and share essential food safety information in a fun and relaxed environment. The workshop will be from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 11, at the Frith Community Center at Jardine Apartments.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 63 percent of foodborne illness outbreaks occur in restaurant settings and 12 percent in home kitchens. Most of them are avoidable with proper food handling.
Kansas Department of Agriculture inspectors will give you practical food safety instruction to help you make healthier food. Chefs from local Chinese restaurants will give you demonstrations while you make the food.
Space is limited to 15 individuals; contact or 785-532-3682 if you are interested in participating. The cost of this event is $5 to ensure attendance, venue planning and food preparation. Ingredients and drinks will be provided. After cooking your Chinese dish, everyone will have the opportunity to eat together. This is a great chance to build your community relationship with others.
This series of culinary workshops will be organized throughout campus and serve as a platform to fulfill multiple purposes. K-State researchers in related disciplines can utilize this platform to study community relationship-building, cultural awareness and understanding, food safety behavior changes, training design and more.