Sharma HC and Gill BS. 1983. Current status of wide hybridization in wheat. Euphytica 32:17 31.
Sharma HC and Gill BS. 1983. New hybrids between Agropyron and wheat. 2. Production, morphology, and cytogenetic analysis of F1 hybrids and backcross derivatives. Theor Appl Genet 66:111-121. [PDF]
Gill BS. 1983. Tomato cytogenetics - A search for new frotiers. In: Cytogenetics of Crop Plants (Swaminathan MS, Gupta PK, and Sinha U eds). Macmilliam India Limited. pp. 457-480.
Papers in the Proceedings of the 6th International Wheat Genetics Symposium (Sakamoto S Ed). Plant Germ-Plasm Institute, Kyoto University, Japan.
Chen PD and Gill BS. 1983. The origin of chromosome 4A, and genomes B and G of tetraploid wheats. Pp. 39-48.
Endo TR and Gill BS. 1983. Identification of wheat chromosomes by N-banding. Pp. 355-359.
Gill BS, Browder LE, Hatchett JH, Harvey TL, Martin TJ, Raupp WJ, Sharma HC, and Waines JG. 1983. Disease and insect resistance in wild wheats. Pp. 785-792.
Hatchett JH and Gill BS. 1983. Expression and genetics of resistance to Hessian fly in Triticum tauschii (Coss) Schmal. Pp. 807-811.
Sharma HC and Gill BS. 1983. New hybrids between Agropyron and Wheat. III. Backcross derivatives, effect of Agropyron cytoplasm, and production of addition lines. Pp. 213-221.