
games are a great way for parents and children and couples to have fun
together. The best games now on the market are being created in Germany.
Games are popular in Germany because of family traditions of spending
time together in the home. While American producers depend on traditional
themes like Monopoly or commercially popular media themes like Survivor,
German game creators focus on innovation, quality parts, and good game
you are a professional who is interested in implementing a Family
Game Night in your community, go to the program implementation
you have used the material here to provide board game experiences for
your family, we need to hear from you. Go to the program
evaluation page to leave your comments.
also provide learning opportunities for children. Most games (especially
those made in Germany) require an estimation of probabilities in risk
taking. Dice may be rolled, the results dictating an outcome. Money may
have to be counted, gained, and spent. Play involves operating within
rules. Children have to think logically, often planning their next move
when taking a turn. This taking turns is an important social skill that
is a part of gaming. Many games challenge players to think under stress
and be decisive in risk taking.
can also learn to be gracious winners and gracious losers by watching
how parents deal with winning and losing. They can learn how to manage
disappointment, set aside their frustration to play again. When losing,
they can stay focused in the game and persevere despite being behind.
board games can make learning fun. Lousy board games are bored games.
In the Board Games portion of The
WonderWise Parent, we will recommend games to you in Reviews,
describe a Family Game Night, answer common
questions about playing games, and give you some hints on how
to find these games to play.
to review sites like Funagain Games and The Boardgame Geek
are provided for each recommended game if you are interested in reading
other opinions. We are not an affliate of any online game store
so we do not profit if you decide to purchase any game we recommend.