Digital health clinic and translational research hub

This project aims to develop phase one of a comprehensive network of digital health clinics and health research hubs within targeted K-State Research and Extension offices across rural counties in Kansas.

Recent evidence has indicated people with limited access to health care results in increased rates of workforce absenteeism which can lead to a heightened economic burden on both individuals and communities, greater mortality rates from chronic diseases and an overall diminished quality of life.

Rural communities have limited access to clinical trials and community-based research opportunities matching the local patient population's needs. Community-based clinical and translational research strategies are required to improve patient-centered care and community health. To effectively meet health care demands and guide workforce development, community organizations, public health agencies and clinicians need timely and accurate data on the prevalence of key health indicators to help identify health disparities and inform future interventions.

An effective integration of clinical research into community health care provides knowledge to all stakeholders to create cycles of continuous community health improvement. In large urban health care settings this practice is commonplace, but there is a critical need to include rural communities in clinical research and to help inform priority intervention areas.

Digital health clinic and translational research hub

Partners involved:

Locations involved:

  • Locations are being determined as part of the project