Department Partnership

There are many ways for the AAC to partner with your department to further retention efforts. Below are the list of options we've come up with but we're also willing to try new and different things to fit your department needs!

Satellite Academic Coaching
Academic Coaching in your place! We can have a coach avalible for 2 to 4 hours avaliable for initial coaching meetings in your office/building to help break the stigma of coming into a learning center.

The AAC Provides:
  • An Academic Coach
  • A sign-up sheet
  • Flyers and marketing information
  • Attendance data at the end of each semester
The Department Provides:
  • A semi-private location to meet
  • Management of student sign-ups
  • Outreach to students
Departmental Content Tutoring
Tutoring Services strives to cover all Core classes of K-State plus the ones we find many students have a need. If you find that students are struggling with specific courses within the department's major we can work together to get the course(s) covered by Content Tutoring.

The AAC will provide:
  • Employment of tutor(s) and all supervision and training required
  • Standard outreach about tutoring
  • Attendance data at the end of each semester
  • Use of our tutoring location
The Department will provide:
  • Assistance recruiting students to be tutors
  • Outreach to the class(es) being covered
Satellite Drop-In Content Tutoring
Tutoring Services strives to cover all Core classes of K-State plus the ones we find many students have a need. If youfinds that students are struggling with specific courses within the department's major we can work together to get the course(s) covered by Content Tutoring.

The AAC will provide:
  • Employment of tutor(s) and all supervision and training required
  • Standard outreach about tutoring
  • Attendance data at the end of each semester
The Department will provide:
  • Financial coverage of drop-in hours
  • Assistance recruiting students to be tutors
  • Outreach to the class(es) being covered
  • A location for drop-in
Coaching Cohort
Academic Coaching is able to take on a cohort of students from a specific department and get them added to a campaign and reach out to students to get them into coaching throughout the semester.
Tutoring Message Campaign
Tutoring Services can set up messaging campaigns to draw students into tutoring throughout the semester. Based on the testing schedule, we will send different messages throughout the semester to your students to encourage them to use our services.
The AAC is happy to present to groups of studens about our services or about a specific skill or tool!
Departmental Tabling
The AAC would be happy to come table in your space for a few hours! We'll have our flyers, highlighters, stickers, and information ready to give out to your students.
Handy Information
Need some flyers, highlighters, and stickers of your to give out in your office? We'll drop some off whenver you run low!

To build the partnership that will work best for your department, reach out to Luke Matulewicz to start the conversation!