Workshops are usually about the length of a typical class. In 50 minutes, we introduce a typical student experience, take a deep dive to understand any challenges, and present several ideas or ways to make progress on those challenges. Workshops are hands on and have a high level of student engagement.
Setting and Reaching Goals
Knowing your goals are essential to your success at K-State! This workshop guides students through creating their own SMART goals. Participants will walk away with an Academic Success Plan outlining their own academic and personal SMART goals and action steps to help reach those goals.
GPA Pit Stop
This is a great mid-semester check-in for students. Typically, at this point of the semester, there are opportunities to still adjust current practices in order to reach end-of-semester goals. This workshop guides students through calculating their GPA and developing a plan to get to where they want to be.
Time Management and Prioritization
Time management in college is key to success! An AAC Student Success Tool can help you track your course progress, complete tasks, and manage stress. An essential aspect of this workshop is to identify a time management challenge you are facing and how to better ensure you can complete tasks efficiently. Students leave this session with at least one thing they will do to effectively manage their time and reach their goals.
Studying More Effectively
Most students have an idea of how to study, but the real question is-- “Am I studying effectively?” Sometimes, the way we study makes us feel prepared and then when we get to the exam, it’s a different story. In this workshop, we explore different study techniques, practice building a study plan, and strategize what to do when you get stuck.
Project Management Strategies and Tools
Project management doesn't come naturally. This workshop helps you set goals for your project, break down bigger projects into smaller pieces, and share how to stay motivated during your project and semester. Students leave this session with techniques and understanding of how to manage large projects effectively.
Finals Prep
Final exams can feel intimidating but having a preparation plan can reduce stress and help you finish the semester strongly. At the end of this workshop, students walk away with a prioritized list of their classes, an audit of study materials, and a step-by-step plan to prepare for finals. We also cover how to understand the final examination schedule and calculate GPA.