Student walking up to kiosk

Academic Success Tools

Independent resources for navigating your academic life as a K-State student. You can use any of the success tools to help you through your college experience and adapt them based on your needs.

Semester at a Glance

Our most popular tool lets you plan your entire semester in one simple glance.


Summer 2025 Semester at a Glance
Fall 2025 Semester at a Glance

Our most popular tools:

Week at a Glance tool

Schedule your week to be more effective.

7 Day Study Plan

Plan out your studying more effectively.

Study Cycle Tool

Breakdown big projects into doable pieces.

The Study Cycle

Understand the best way to study and realize it's a cycle and not check boxes.

Project Planning

Work together more effectively and track your work.

Pomodoro Method

A new way to study -- short bursts with breaks.