Content Tutoring
Content tutoring is peer assistance in a specific course you're enrolled in at K-State. Our peer tutors have taken the course (or equievent) and are prepared to help you understand the content of the course better. We provide content tutoring in two ways -- drop-in and appointment.
Drop-In: On-demand help in our popular courses and located across campus.
Appointment: Scheduled 50-minute small-group sessions for many different courses.
Drop-In Information
Drop-in tutoring is a free, on-demand tutoring service to help you in our most popular courses. With drop-in, there is no need to schedule in advance, and sessions are hosted in different locations across campus. You’re welcome to come in with a lot of questions or only one. An average drop-in session is around 45-minutes, but you’re welcome to leave early or stay longer—it’s really about what you need.
Please Note: The real-time schedule is best viewed by changing view from "Month" to "Week" or "Day".
Drop-in Tutoring Schedule in PDF form.
College of Business
ECON-110, ECON-120
STAT-100, 225, 250, 351
Hale Library
CHM-110, 210, 230
MATH-100, 205, 220
PHYS-113, 114, 115, 213, 214
Kramer Dining Center
CHM-110, 210, 230
MATH- 100, 150, 205, 220
PHYS -113, 114, 115, 213, 214
Military Affiliated Resource Center (MARC)
MATH-100, 205, 220
Updated for Spring 2025
It is best to use the real-time drop-in schedule; however, a static PDF schedule will be available. This schedule will NOT reflect actual availability or schedule changes.
Can't find the course you're looking for?
Check out the Appointment Information below or reach out to us by emailing us at
Appointment Information
Appointment tutoring is scheduled 50-minute small-group (1 to 2 students) sessions in a wide variety of courses. These sessions allow for focused help on what you're working through. Be sure to bring your notes, book, and any other course materials to be sure your sessions is successful! Depending on the your needs, a session can be focused on one content area or go over a large amount of information. Your tutor will work with you to identify a goal for the session and help to ensure you reach it.
Please Note: Appointments must be scheduled 24-hours in advance of the appointment. Cancelations within 8-hours count as a no- show. _______________________________________________________________________
ACCTG-231, ACCTG-241
Animal Science
ASI-102, ASI-202, ASI-105, ASI-218, ASI-350, ASI-400
ANTH-200, ANTH-204, ANTH-280
BIOL-198, BIOL-255, BIOL-441, BIOL-442, BIOL-450, BIOL-455, BIOL-541
BIOCH-110, BIOCH-265, BIOCH-521, BIOCH-571
CHM-110, CHM-210, CHM-220, CHM-230, CHM-250, CHM-350, CHM-531, CHM-550
Computational Core
CC-110, CC-111, CC-210
Computer Science
CIS-115, CIS-116, CIS-200, CIS-301
Communication Sciences and Disorders
CSD-360, CSD-443, CSD-567
ECON-110, ECON-120
BME-200, CE-333, ECE-410
KIN-220, KIN-310, KIN-360
MATH-100, MATH-150, MATH-205, MATH-220, MATH-221, MATH-222, MATH-340
MUSIC-100, MUSIC-210, MUSIC-230, MUSIC-231, MUSIC-320, MUSIC-321, MUSIC-361, MUSIC-362
PHYS-101, PHYS-113, PHYS-114, PHYS-115, PHYS-213, PHYS-214
STAT-225, STAT-250, STAT-351
Need help with R? One of our tutors, Den Jackson, created this helpful guide!
Updated for Spring 2025
Can't find the course you're looking for?
Reach out to us by emailing us at or check out Study Skills Tutoring for help in non-content areas!
Virtual Reality Sessions
Through a partnership with CurioXR, tutoring in a virtual reality (VR) through MetaQuest 2 headsets is avalibile for limited courses during an appointment session of content tutoring. If this is something that interested you, be sure to mention it to your tutor and they can work on getting that set up for you.
How to Schedule an Appointment
Tutoring appointments are scheduled through Navigate. Below is a step-by-step video on how to schedule.
Please Note: Appointments must be scheduled 24-hours in advance of the appointment. Cancelations within 8-hours count as a no- show.
What to Expect
Tutoring through the Academic Achievement Center focuses on the learning process to reach your goals. It's about more than just getting the answers. Our tutors are students that have succeeded in the courses you’re taking and are specifically trained to help you understand and learn difficult content. Our tutors are here to help you at every level.
Preparing for a Tutoring Session
- Being able to identify where you’re struggling or what you don’t understand will help the session be productive right from the start.
- Tutors can’t directly help you with homework, quiz, or test problems so come prepared with example problems or concepts to cover.
- Bring any supplies that will assist your tutor in helping you. This should include textbooks, notes, syllabi, etc..
What to Expect in a Tutoring Session
- Tutoring sessions with the AAC are done in groups (1 to 2 in an appointment, up to 4 by request, and up to 7 in drop-in). Your tutor is there to help you and to also help you learn from each other.
- Your tutor will help you set a goal for the session to achieve in the 50-minute session.
- Your tutor will assess where you need assistance and in the style you need it. Our goal is to help you learn in whatever style works best for you.
- Your tutor is going to be asking you a lot of questions to get your mind working and connecting the dots.
Policies to Know About
- Appointments must be made at least 24-hours in advance.
- Canceling an appointment within 8-hours of your scheduled appointment time counts as a "no-show".
- Three "no-shows" results in a suspension of scheduling permission until you meet with a graduate assistant to regain scheduling permission. Drop-in sessions are always available.
- Tutoring is provided only to students enrolled at K-State for the course they are seeking tutoring. Tutoring is also provided for courses a student finishing an "Incomplete" they received in the previous semester at K-State.
- Tutors are not permitted to work through your exact homework problems.
Tutoring Services start the second week of courses, ends the last Friday of courses, and is closed during all university holidays and breaks.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us by visiting us in 258 Hale Library, emailing us at, or calling us at 785-532-5703.