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2009 Student Groups Achievements

* Bhanu Kalia, a graduate research assistant in plant pathology at K-State, is one of 12 recipients of a Monsanto Beachell-Borlaug International Scholars Program fellowship. The fellowship will provide a full package of support for her to pursue her Ph.D., which will include research on wheat breeding. Kalia's research mentor is University Distinguished Professor Bikram S. Gill. She will collaborate on her work with CIMMYT, a non profit organization that researches sustainable development of wheat and maize farming. A citizen of India, she received an M.S. in genetics from Punjab Agricultural University. The Monsanto Beachell-Borlaug International Scholars Program honors the accomplishments of Dr. Henry Beachell and Dr. Norman Borlaug, who pioneered plant breeding and research in rice and wheat, respectively. Oct. 2009

* A special ice cream cone developed by two K-State graduate students is the first-place winner in an international product development competition. Angela Dodd, a master's student in food science, Carrington, N.D., and Melissa Daniel, doctoral student in animal sciences, Cypress Inn, Tenn., took first place at the recent 2009 International American Association of Cereal Chemists' Product Development Competition. The K-State duo earned a cash prize of $2,550 for their creation of the Gluten-free Fun Flavored Waffle Cone. It is the second year in a row that a K-State student team has won the competition. Oct. 2009

* K-State's student chapter of the Associated General Contractors was recently selected as the second-best collegiate group in the nation by the Associated General Contractors of America for its philanthropic work. The 125-member K-State chapter received the award specifically for its construction of a memorial to commemorate the victims of the tornado that ravaged the Kansas community of Chapman in June 2008. In addition to the recognition, the student chapter received $750 from the Associated General Contractors of America in honor of the 750 man-hours invested in building the memorial. Oct. 2009

* K-State's chapter of Phi Beta Kappa has been named one of the top 15 chapters in the nation. The chapter is now being considered for the Exemplary Chapter Award, which goes to three chapters in the U.S. each year. Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest and most distinguished academic honor society in America. There are 276 active chapters currently, representing only 10 percent of the institutions of higher learning in the nation. K-State's chapter -- Beta of Kansas -- was established in 1974. Students who become members of the organization have demonstrated academic excellence in the liberal arts and sciences, as well as a dedication to a breadth of topics, depth of understanding and a diversity of opinion. Stephen Kiefer, director of K-State's University Honors Program and secretary/treasurer of K-State's chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, attributes the success of K-State's chapter to both the organization's history and the caliber of students at K-State. March 2009