Visas for Students
Not every student who studies abroad will need a visa. Visa requirements depend on the laws of the country to which you travel, the length of time abroad, and other factors. Although we can't process or issue visas for students or faculty, we can provide advice and assistance for the visa application process. Please read the information below, and contact a Education Abroad Advisor at if you have additional questions.
Other important things to note:
- If you travel independently prior to the start of a program, please be aware that the visa application process for some countries may require students to surrender their passport for several weeks prior to the start of the study abroad program. These consular requirements may impact students’ independent travel plans. Visa requirements should be investigated and considered by all applicants prior to planning independent travel.
- Education Abroad does not process or issue visas for students. It is the responsibility of each student to inform themselves on the visa procedures and to apply for the visa, if necessary, in a timely fashion.
- Some countries will require that you have an F.B.I report completed as a part of the application process. If the F.B.I report is required, keep in mind that it can take a long time for the F.B.I report to be completed.
- All consulates work on a per jurisdiction basis, meaning they divide the United States into regions. Your jurisdiction is determined by your permanent address, so make sure you are aware under which jurisdiction you belong.
- Some consulates require that you apply in person; others will allow you to apply by mail. If you apply by mail, it is always advisable to use some sort of Express Service via insured mail (again, each consulate will outline their policies on which services you may use. Some consulates will allow you to use UPS; some will only permit Federal Express Mail). Do not send your visa application through regular mail as you could risk losing your passport and other important documents.
- Remember that, in all cases, you must wait to apply for a visa after you have been accepted to your study abroad program.