K-State Advisor Forum

The K-State Advisor Forum was created by academic advisors to build community through monthly meetings and social activities. The forum provides a place for primary role and faculty advisors to discuss various relevant topics affecting advisors and students across the university.



Advisor Forum meetings are scheduled monthly with both an in-person and Zoom option. Guest speakers from across K-State are often invited to speak and inform members on student services or advising processes. The meetings are an opportunity for advisors across colleges to get to know one another and learn.

The forum also meets a couple times monthly for informal social gatherings.

Advisor Forum Listserv and Canvas

All K-State faculty and staff with advising responsibilities are encouraged to subscribe to the Advisor Forum email listserv. You'll receive information on:

  • Important announcements relevant to academic advisors.
  • Timely information.
  • Updates on policies and procedures.

The Advisor Forum also has a Canvas page that includes important information and useful documents. To join the listserv and the Canvas course, please email TJ Duntz.

The Charlie Award

Advisor Forum members created the Charlie Award to recognize outstanding advisors who are committed to students and excellence in academic advising.

Read more about the award, see past recipients, and nominate a candidate

Academic and Career Engagement

102 Holton Hall
1101 Mid-Campus Dr. North
Manhattan, KS 66506

