Student Concerns and Complaints

In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education Program Integrity Rule, 34 C.F.R. Part 600.9, the Kansas Board of Regents has adopted a process to review and appropriately act on student complaints concerning the six state universities.

If you, as a Kansas State University distance/online student, have a complaint regarding your online course, instruction or other academic procedures, please email the director of K-State Online Student Success and Advising, Beth Stuewe. We will respond to your complaint and help you decide on the appropriate channel for addressing your grievance and work toward a resolution. This process is explained in the university's Policy Regarding Student Complaints. You may also file a complaint for an on-campus course.

Residents of Kansas (and students residing in states that are not SARA* members): If, after exhausting all available institutional processes, your complaint remains unresolved, you may make a complaint to the Kansas Board of Regent's office, in writing, by completing and submitting a complaint form. Learn more about the Kansas Board of Regents' policy for university student complaints.

Out-of-state residents living in SARA* states: Out-of-state students residing in a SARA state and enrolled in programs offered by Kansas State University may file a complaint to the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) by using the KBOR SARA Complaint Form.

Students residing in Maryland can access the Maryland complaint procedures by referencing state authorization information on the Kansas State University Statements and Disclosures page.

Students may also make a complaint to the Higher Learning Commission.

*SARA: SARA stands for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. To find out if your state is a SARA member, please see the state approval page. Check to see your state’s SARA status and if your state of residence has a date of approval as a SARA state. If you reside in a SARA state, please use the process outlined in the KBOR SARA Complaint Form.