Frequently Asked Questions
What is Pre-Professional Advising?
"Pre-Professional" is a broad term including students who have career interests that require professional education like Masters or Doctoral programs. For example:
- Pre-Medicine is a Pre-Professional designation or plan and can officially be added to your student record.
- Pre-Med students indicate an interest in pursuing Medical School (MD or DO).
The K-State Pre-Professional and Exploratory Advising Center specializes in Pre-Health, Pre-Law, and Pre-Vet support. Check out our Health Professions webpage for a breakdown of Pre-Health topics.
Advising without additional cost.
- We work with you and your other support team members (academic advisor for example) to help you plan your journey to professional school.
- Our Pre-Professional Advisors help plan prerequisite courses, recommend and connect with campus resources, encourage and connect to hands-on experiences, assist in developing strong application materials like personal statements, and more.
- Check out Our Team webpage to find specific advisors.
Future Wildcats
Being a pre-professional student at K-State means that you intend to pursue a health, vet, or law career pathway and Graduate or Professional School may be part of the journey. It also means you want to prepare academically as well as socially and experientially.
Pre-Professional advisors have years of experience supporting students through their journeys to Healthcare and Law School - let us help answer some questions!
Here at K-State we want to help you succeed & declaring a Pre-Professional designation helps connect you with the right support team.
Investigate and be curious - ask questions of individuals working in your fields of interest. Do not hesitate to reach out or visit us!
Students may select any academic major of interest to them; no major is preferred. Consider what topics hold your attention or excite you.
Many Professional School Pre-Requisites can be completed as part of core curriculum or as electives under many majors and programs.
Correct. Pre-Professional designations are not degree plans and instead are used to connect students to resources (like the Pre-Professional and Exploratory Advising Center).
Much of that data is self-reported via K-State's Post-Graduation Statistics. You can review that information here:
- Shadow and be curious - ask questions of professionals in your field of interest AND do not be afraid to reach out to us at the Pre-Professional Advising Center.
- If you have completed or plan to complete dual credit courses, consider the following:
- Confirm the credits transfer to K-State.
- Do the courses fit into your potential degree plan?
- Many Professional Schools have restrictions on AP and transfer credits for specific coursework. If in doubt, reach out!
Current Students
If you have an advisor assigned, you will find them listed under your Support Team in Navigate.
If you have not yet declared a Pre-Professional designation, you likely have not been assigned a specific pre-professional advisor. Submit this form to add or change your Pre-Professional designation.
Check out Our Team webpage for specific advisor information.
Schedule an appointment or reach out to your support team (advisors, mentors, people you trust) to discuss what a change might look like.
Submit this form to add or change your Pre-Professional designation.
Here at K-State we want to help you succeed & declaring helps connect you with the right support team.
The Pre-Professional and Exploratory Advising Center proactively engages with students who have declared - through appointments, programs, and information-sharing.
Visit OrgCentral to find more information about our Pre-Health & Pre-Law clubs. We have a club for almost every Pre-Professional designation.
- Alpha Epsilon Delta - National Health Pre-Professional Honor Society
- Pre-Health Ambassadors - focused on fostering interest in Pre-Health at KSU and the community through service.
- Pre-Law Ambassadors - focused on fostering interest in Pre-Law at KSU and building support and recognition within the community.
Faculty, Staff, and Other Partners
Being a Pre-Professional student at K-State means the student intends to pursue a health, vet, or law career pathway and Graduate or Professional School may be part of the journey. It also means the student wants to prepare academically as well as socially and experientially.
When students declare a Pre-Professional designation, their KSIS and Navigate profiles are updated to include Pre-Professional Advisors as a more easily accessible resource.
Pre-Professional advisors have years of experience supporting students through their journeys to Healthcare and Law School.
- Adds our Pre-Law advisor to that student's profile
- Adds that student to our information-sharing Canvas courses
- Used to share information regarding internships, campus events, application resources, and more as shared by Law Schools and community partners.
- Encourages connection with Pre-Law Ambassadors
- Encourages utilization of our articulation agreement with the University of Kansas School of Law
We are here to support students across the life cylce (from prospective student to K-State graduate - if you think a student would benefit in any way from discussion with our team of advisors, do not hesitate to refer or ask us to reach out.
There are many nuances and often changes to the application process and expectations for any given designation. Through regular engagement with symposiums and professional schools, our advisors update advising materials and processes to best support students.
Yes - feel free to contact or to schedule a time to meet.
We are happy to present to students through clubs, short introduction presentations, classroom sessions, and more. We are open-minded when it comes to student outreach - let's work together.
Key Words with Definitions
- The system manages all aspects of the enrollment and maintenance, from applying and enrolling in classes, to accessing grades and paying for tuition.
- Login to Navigate here:
- Typically used to describe minimum course credit completion and type of course work.
- Helps students determine if that specific pathway is a good fit (or not).
Showing dedication and consistency is key - repeat or continuous involvement over an extended period of time.
Pre-Professional and Exploratory Advising Center
114 Berney Family Welcome Center
705 N. MLK Jr. Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66506