Faculty Support

A wide range of accommodations and services are provided to students with documented disabilities. A student with a disability is any student who has an impairment that substantially limits a major activity such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, hearing, speaking, breathing, walking, seeing, learning or working. Students with temporary disabilities may also qualify for accommodations.

Faculty AIM Portal

AIM (Accessible Information Management) allows students to request letters of accommodation which are emailed directly to all faculty/instructors listed for each course.

Faculty can view a list of all students who have requested accommodations for each course and their accommodation letters. To log in, faculty will use their eID and password.

Faculty AIM Portal

SAC Testing Center

The SAC Testing Center utilizes AIM to schedule and track exams. Read more.

Implementing Accommodations

SAC reviews student documentation and determine appropriate accommodations. SAC works with faculty regarding the provision of the accommodations to ensure access throughout the campus environment for students who have a disability. Read more.

However, accommodations should not compromise the academic integrity of the course. If faculty disagree with an accommodation, they are welcome to discuss their concern with SAC. Another responsibility is to ensure the student's confidentiality. Faculty should refrain from discussing a student regarding disabilities and accommodations in front of the class, in the presence of other students, or to faculty/staff not directly involved in the accommodation process.

There may be times when students approach faculty directly requesting accommodations. In these instances, faculty are encouraged to direct the student to SAC. Faculty are not required to provide accommodations to students until they receive a letter of accommodation or direct communication from SAC.