Course by Course Search
Your guide to K-State

Course by Course Search Your guide to K-State
We're excited to offer our new course search tool!
You can use this search tool to see how coursework from other colleges and universities typically transfers to K-State. If you do not find a course listed, you can submit an evaluation request along with a course syllabus at the Transfer Course Evaluation Request Form.
Understanding the K-State Course Display
- For military credit equivalencies, please search by “Military” and select “American Council on Education” as the institution.
- A fully equivalent course will have the K-State course number and title listed.
- Courses with equivalencies such as ACCTG-1**, MATH-2**, ELECT-1** are transferable but must be evaluated by the K-State college/department of your intended major to see how they will be applied to your degree requirement. The application of these courses can change if you decide to switch your major and will be reevaluated by your new department at that time.
- Course listed as "no transfer" will not transfer to K-StateDevelopmental courses below 100-level may transfer to K-State but do not apply to any degree program.
- "Eval Pending" means the course evaluation is in progress.
- In order for courses to be transferable to K-State, a sequence of courses may be required to receive credit. This sequence can be different for various majors on our campus. Please confirm with an advisor or the department office at our campus to identify the requirements for your degree.
- If you do not find a course listed, you can submit an evaluation request along with a course syllabus at the Transfer Course Evaluation Request Form.