Thiba NagarajaThiba Nagaraja

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
finance and industrial engineering

The major reason for choosing K-State was the cost. When I arrived I fell in love with the campus and the people in Manhattan. I am who I am today because of the experiences and the knowledge that I have gained here at K-state. I believe a good education from a renowned university like K-State will help me find my dream job.

The friends that I met during orientation helped me a lot during tough times. I get a lot of help from tutors and professors when I do not understand something.

How she chose K-State:

My advisor from the previous university gave me a list of universities that I could apply for and one of them was K-State. To be honest, the major reason for choosing k-state was the cost. However, when I arrived at K-state I fell in love with the campus and the people in Manhattan and I was glad that I made the right choice.

Transitioning to university life:

The friends that I met during my orientation at K-state helped me a lot during tough times. We used to go for many K-state organized activities during our free times to meet new people and of course to have some fun. In my department, I used to and still do get a lot of help from tutors and professors when I do not understand something.

Biggest K-State benefit:

K-state has taught me many things since I arrived here. I am who I am today because of the experiences and the knowledge that I have gained here at K-state. I believe a good education from a renowned university like k-state will help me in finding my dream job.

Advice for new Wildcats:

Attend events and activities around campus and make friends. Talk to the faculties and staffs when you need help. Make use of the resources around campus. Be as involved as you can be in clubs and organizations around campus. This helps you a lot when you are applying for jobs in the future.


Malaysian Students Association, president

SPICMACAY, treasurer

Undergraduate Research

International Buddies, secretary

International Coordinating Council, head of operations

Engineering Student Council