About the initiative
Driving new discovery and embracing next-generation learning requires interdisciplinary vision and facilities that offer collaborative spaces to enhance the problem-solving abilities of current and future workforces.
Campaign Progress
$210,000,000 Goal
*State, philanthropic, and university total funds.
Investing in Agriculture
As Kansas State University leads the nation toward a next-generation land-grant university, we must be nimble and adaptive to the world around us, meeting our learners and partners where they are and working alongside them to address their most pressing needs.
To accomplish this, the Agriculture Innovation Initiative fully embraces the idea of One K-State by instituting an interdisciplinary environment of dynamic innovation while cultivating trust and building relationships throughout the state, nation and world.
The facility upgrades and expansions will invest in grain, food, animal and agronomy research. This effort includes a 3:1 funding match for building facilities from the state of Kansas. In other words, since we raised $75 million in private gifts, the state of Kansas has awarded $25 million (plus another guaranteed $25 million).
These funds will be used to drive new discovery, knowledge, interdisciplinary connection and deployment of innovation. In turn, it catalyzes economic development, job creation nationwide, and resilience in the Colleges of Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Engineering, Health and Human Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.
The Agriculture Innovation Initiative will bring our resources and expertise together in a way that respects our unique structure and recognizes current and future challenges. To make it a reality will require the support of students, faculty, staff, alumni and industry partners and coming together to realize the vision of One K-State.
Timeline and milestones
State Funding Award Notification
Jan 2023
Agronomy Research and Innovation Center Groundbreaking
May 2023
Bilbrey Family Event Center Groundbreaking
Dec 2023
Weber Arena Demolition and Bilbrey Family Event Center Construction Begins
April 2024
Global Center for Grain and Food Innovation Groundbreaking
May 2024
Agronomy Research and Innovation Center Construction Begins
Sept 2024
GCGFI Construction Begins
Nov 2024
Bilbrey Family Event Center Completion/Occupancy
Fall 2025
Agronomy Research and Innovation Center Completion/Occupancy
Spring 2026
Weber and Call Hall Renovations Begin
Spring 2026
Global Center for Grain and Food Innovation Completion/Occupancy
Fall 2026
Weber and Call Hall Renovations Completion
Dec 2027

Invitation to invest
Now is the time to invest — Kansas State University has an inspiring opportunity. To help the world’s ability to feed two billion more people by 2050. To contribute to a Kansas economy that thrives. To optimize agriculture for the highest levels of efficiency and yield. The sky’s the limit.