Fencing Goes Up: What this means for students, faculty, visitors and more.
April 8, 2024
The construction fencing will be going up soon around the corner of Mid-Campus Drive and Claflin Road to mark the start of the demolition of Weber Arena and the construction of the new Global Center for Grain and Food Innovation. The fencing border will extend to the street curb as the fence is planned to be placed only once during the construction process. This will limit some walking paths and some parking in the Southwest parking lot of Call Hall. The graphics below show the two phases of the parking and walking path disruptions around Weber and Call Hall.
Phase One
Phase Two
Walking paths to Weber Hall will now be directed towards the South side of Claflin Road. The main entry of Weber Hall will be at the Southeast doors, near Weber 123. Walking to Call Hall will be directed to the West side of Mid-Campus Drive.
Visitors to Call Hall Dairy Bar are still highly encouraged and the hours will remain the same during construction. Anyone bringing a larger group on a bus should plan to park in the North parking lot next to Call Hall.
Any information that you might still be wondering about, might be covered in the Frequently Asked Questions section of the construction updates page. If you would like to keep up with updates from the Ag Innovation Initiative, sign-up for our monthly newsletter.
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Now is the time to invest — Kansas State University has an inspiring opportunity. To help the world’s ability to feed two billion more people by 2050. To contribute to a Kansas economy that thrives. To optimize agriculture for the highest levels of efficiency and yield. The sky’s the limit.