Kansas Soybean farmers believe in the importance of investing in the Ag Innovation at K-State
With a pledge of $4 million to the College of Agriculture’s new Ag Innovation Initiative, the Kansas Soybean Commission believes the opportunities and interactions that the initiative will bring will help reach their own goals of research, education and development.
“Investment in the Ag Innovation Initiative here at K-State is easy for our producer members,” said Kaleb Little, CEO and executive director of the Kansas Soybean Commission. “When you really look at the long term, the history of K-State has been excellent. We've seen so much great work and advancement in agriculture, and it has greatly impacted our state. We are ready to reinvest back into that infrastructure to make sure that we're one of the best land-grant universities in the country.”
Weather is the main challenge that affects all involved in agriculture. With challenging weather patterns and changing climates, producers need solid research done on plant genetics and other areas of agronomy so they can continue to grow a productive crop in the volatility of the weather and environment today.
“The Kansas Soybean checkoff is always looking for new ways to add value back to the soybean producers and to the crop they raise,” stated Little.
The investment in research the soybean checkoff has done in replacing petroleum in diesel fuel or the tires that Goodyear produces shows their commitment to the producers growing the crop. Through these investment dollars, they have seen innovations and advancements.
The correlation between the interdisciplinary approach of the Ag Innovation Initiative is significant to soybean farmers as they, too, have to use a multi-faceted approach to marketing and being competitive with their crops.
“It really matches up with what we’re seeing here at K-State and the interdisciplinary nature of how the different segments of the university fit together and how the different parts of the College of Agriculture fit together,” said Little.
The Ag Innovation Initiative is exciting to Little because of the top-down approach that is being taken. He believes there is quality leadership from the president's level throughout the College of Agriculture. The leadership is willing to listen to what the industry needs, what the Kansas farmers need and what the future workforce needs to be successful.
To follow Kansas Soybean Commision’s leadership, now is the time to invest in the Agriculture Innovation Initiative. Visit with the K-State Foundation Agriculture Innovation Initiative team.
Invitation to invest
Now is the time to invest — Kansas State University has an inspiring opportunity. To help the world’s ability to feed two billion more people by 2050. To contribute to a Kansas economy that thrives. To optimize agriculture for the highest levels of efficiency and yield. The sky’s the limit.