Interdisciplinary Focus
Crossing disciplinary boundaries to consider issues from many perspectives better prepares students to address the complex problems our world faces.
What is 'Interdisciplinary?'

At the college level, "interdisciplinary" refers to an approach to education and academic study that integrates knowledge and methods from multiple disciplines or fields of study.
It involves crossing the boundaries between traditional academic subjects to address complex issues or topics that cannot be fully understood or solved using a single disciplinary perspective.
In an interdisciplinary program or course, students might be exposed to concepts, theories and methodologies from various disciplines, such as humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and the arts. The goal is to foster a broader understanding of a subject by considering it from different angles and incorporating insights from different areas of expertise.
Interdisciplinary education encourages students to think critically, make connections between different disciplines, and develop problem-solving skills that can be applied to real-world challenges. It also promotes creativity and innovation by encouraging students to explore novel ways of approaching problems.
For example, an interdisciplinary program might combine elements of biology, ethics, law and policy to examine complex issues surrounding biotechnology and genetic engineering. Or an interdisciplinary course could explores the history, sociology and literature of a particular time period to gain a more comprehensive understanding of culture and society.
Overall, interdisciplinary education at the college level aims to prepare students for a world where many challenges and opportunities require a holistic understanding that spans multiple fields of knowledge.
Interdisciplinary Work In Action

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