Investing to Meet the Complex Opportunities and Challenges of Agriculture

Renderings courtesy of Clark & Enerson (Global Center for Food and Grain Innovation), PGAV Architects (Agronomy Research and Innovation Center), and GH2 Architects (Animal Sciences Arena)

The College of Agriculture will soon begin construction on three facilities equipped with the latest research technology and space, which officials say will provide the maximum potential for education, interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.

The new buildings will advance K-State as a global hub for agriculture-related learning and research, while launching Kansas' economy to new levels.

Global Center for Food and Grain Innovation Rendering

Global Center for Food and Grain Innovation

This interdisciplinary teaching and research center will be created within the corridor of the soon-to-be-renovated Call Hall and Weber Hall on the Manhattan campus. The work within will focus on accelerating grain, food, feed, animal sciences and agriculture systems innovation and teaching.

Rendering Courtesy of
Clark & Enersen


Agronomy Research and Innovation Center RenderingAgronomy Research and Innovation Center

This will be the future home of the college’s collaborative research that supports the development of agronomy and agricultural systems. It will also serve as the new public face and front door to the Agronomy North Farm.

Rendering Courtesy of PGAV Architects


Animal Sciences Arena RenderingAnimal Sciences Arena

A new multi-species, 3,000-seat competition arena is also planned. It will include a horse teaching and research unit and a modern equine breeding and training facility. Undergraduate, graduate and veterinary medicine students will benefit from the expanded educational opportunities it will offer.

Rendering Courtesy of GH2 Architects