Fees are due at the beginning of every month whether you have practiced once a month or have come to every class. There may be times when dojo members are having financial difficulties. If you are having financial difficulties and wish to keep training, you must speak to Sensei Don Eisele (A limited number of need-based scholarships are available). We do not want to keep money from letting people practice aikido, so please do not it let you keep from coming.
Currently, you buy a membership at the Body First fitness center, then add a small fee for the aikido club to that.
The cost for both is about $20/month for students, and $45/month for non-students.
Dojo members who have tested and carry a rank also pay a yearly association fee to the USAF (currently $35).
Dojo members wishing to test will be expected to maintain an active USAF association and will be assessed a testing fee based on rank.