The Assessment Process at K-State


K-State developed a deliberate, incremental approach to assessment in order to encourage widespread commitment toward a sustainable culture of assessment. All academic programs – undergraduate, graduate, minors, and certificates – as well as student affairs units across the university, are required to participate in all aspects of assessing student learning. The assessment cycle began in 2004 when programs developed measurable student learning outcomes (SLOs) relevant to expected student learning. All programs/units have developed SLOs and assessment plans. Responsibility for developing the SLOs was delegated to the faculty and unit staff who interact with students in the programs/units being assessed. Many programs incorporate outcomes or competencies designated by accrediting bodies. Faculty with programs/units use assessment results as evidence to “close the loop” of by making changes to courses and the curriculum. The Office of Assessment oversees the assessment process by requiring programs to submit reports at particular intervals.

Undergraduate Assessment Cycle

Graduate Assessment Cycle