Assessment Library


Welcome to the Office of Assessment's Library! We are pleased to offer a comprehensive collection of publications available for checkout. Our library features a variety of resources organized into five distinct groups. To quickly jump to a group, please click on the group’s name below:


AAC&U Publications - Explore a range of publications from the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) that focus on advancing the quality of higher education and promoting liberal education.

Case Studies, Models, Examples - This group includes case studies, models, and examples that provide practical insights and real-world applications of assessment strategies and methodologies.

Assessment Guides - Find comprehensive guides that offer step-by-step instructions and best practices for conducting assessments across various educational contexts.

General Assessment Information - Access a variety of resources that cover broad assessment topics, offering foundational knowledge and general information on assessment practices.

Miscellaneous - Browse a collection of miscellaneous publications that cover a diverse range of topics related to assessment and higher education.


The following publications are available for checkout through the Office of Assessment. For further assistance or to request a specific publication, please reach out to us at or (785) 532-5712.


AAC&U Publications

Assessing College Student Learning: Evaluating Alternative Models, Using Multiple Methods
Assessing College Student Learning: Evaluating Alternative Models, Using Multiple Methods
Author(s): Hawkins, Penn, & Sternberg
 Assessing Student Learning: Peer Review Single Issue (Vol.9, No. 2)
Assessing Student Learning: Peer Review Single Issue (Vol. 9, No. 2)

Author(s): AAC&U

Assessing Underserved Students' Engagement in High-Impact Practices
Assessing Underserved Students' Engagement in High-Impact Practices
Author(s): Finley and McNair
Assessment in Cycles of Improvement: Faculty Designs for Essential Learning Outcomes
Assessment in Cycles of Improvement: Faculty Designs for Essential Learning Outcomes
Author(s): Ross Miller
Art & Science of Assessing General Education Outcomes
The Art & Science of Assessing General Education Outcomes
Author(s): Leskes and Wright
Brief History of Student Learning Assessment
A Brief History of Student Learning Assessment
Author(s): Richard J. Schavelson
Civic Engagement and Student Success: A Resonant Relationship
Civic Engagement and Student Success: A Resonant Relationship
Author(s): AAC&U
Developing a Community College Student Roadmap
Developing a Community College Student Roadmap
Author(s): AAC&U
Ensuring Quality & Taking High-Impact Practices to Scale
Ensuring Quality & Taking High-Impact Practices to Scale
Author(s): Kuh & O'Donnell
Five High-Impact Practices: Research on Learning Outcomes, Completion, and Quality
Five High-Impact Practices: Research on Learning Outcomes, Completion, and Quality
Author(s): Brownell & Swaner
General Education and the Assessment Reform Agenda
General Education and the Assessment Reform Agenda
Author(s): Peter Ewell
Integrative Learning: Mapping the Terrain
Integrative Learning: Mapping the Terrain
Author(s): Huber and Hutchings
Investing in Success: Cost Effective Strategies to Increase Student Success
Investing in Success: Cost Effective Strategies to Increase Student Success
Author(s): Welllman and Brusi
Liberal Education: The Completion Agenda
Liberal Education: The Completion Agenda
Author(s): AAC&U
Liberal Education: What Do Employers Want from College Graduates?
Liberal Education: What Do Employers Want from College Graduates?
Author(s): AAC&U
 Liberal Education Outcomes: A Preliminary Report on Student Achievement in College
Liberal Education Outcomes: A Preliminary Report on Student Achievement in College
Author(s): AAC&U
Lumina Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP): Implications for Assessment
The Lumina Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP): Implications for Assessment
Author(s): Peter T. Ewell
Making Progress? What We Know About the Achievement of Liberal Education Outcomes
Making Progress? What We Know About the Achievement of Liberal Education Outcomes
Author(s): Ashley Finley
More Reasons to Hope: Diversity Matters in Higher Ed.
More Reasons to Hope: Diversity Matters in Higher Ed.
Author(s): AAC&U
Taking Responsibility for the Quality of the Baccalaureate Degree
Taking Responsibility for the Quality of the Baccalaureate Degree
Author(s): AAC&U
Using the VALUE Rubrics for Improvement of Learning and Authentic Assessment
Using the VALUE Rubrics for Improvement of Learning and Authentic Assessment
Author(s): Finley and Rhodes

Case Studies, Models, Examples

Assessment: Case Studies, Experience, and Practice from Higher Education

Assessment: Case Studies, Experience, and Practice from Higher Education
Author(s): Schwartz and Webb
Assessing Student Learning in General Education: Good Practice Case Studies
Assessing Student Learning in General Education: Good Practice Case Studies
Author(s): Marilee Bresciani
Emblems of Quality in Higher Education
Emblems of Quality in Higher Education
Author(s): Conrad and Haworth
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Measuring Quality: Choosing Among Surveys and Other Assessments of College Quality
Author(s): Borden and Owens
Measuring What Matters: Competency-Based Learning Models in Higher Education
Measuring What Matters: Competency-Based Learning Models in Higher Education
Author(s): Richard A. Voorhees
Outcomes-Based Academic and Co-Curricular Program Review
Outcomes-Based Academic and Co-Curricular Program Review
Author(s): Marilee Bresciani
Redesigning Higher Education: Producing Dramatic Gains in Student Learning
Redesigning Higher Education: Producing Dramatic Gains in Student Learning
Author(s): Lion. F. Gardiner
Student Success in College: Creating Conditions that Matter
Student Success in College: Creating Conditions that Matter
Author(s): Kinzie, Kuh, Schuh, and Whitt
Understanding the Role of Academic and Student Affairs Collaboration in Creating a Successful Learning Environment
Understanding the Role of Academic and Student Affairs Collaboration
in Creating a Successful Learning Environment
Author(s): Burack, Hirsch, and Kezar

Assessment Guides

 Assessing for Learning: Building a Sustainable Commitment Across the Institution

Assessing for Learning: Building a Sustainable Commitment Across the Institution
Author(s): Peggy Maki
Assessing General Education Programs
Assessing General Education Programs
Author(s): Mary Allen
Assessment Clear and Simple: A Practical Guide for Institutions, Departments, and General Education
Assessment Clear and Simple: A Practical Guide for Institutions, Departments,
and General Education
Author(s): Barbara Walvoord
Assessment of Doctoral Education
The Assessment of Doctoral Education
Author(s): Borkowski, Denecke, and Mak
Assessment Practice in Student Affairs: An Applications Manual
Assessment Practice in Student Affairs: An Applications Manual
Author(s): Schuh and Upcraft
Assessments A-Z: A Collection of 50 Questionnaires, Instruments, and Inventories
Assessments A-Z: A Collection of 50 Questionnaires, Instruments, and Inventories
Author(s): Burn and Payment
Department Head's Guide to Assessment Implementation in Administrative and Education Support Units
The Department Head's Guide to Assessment Implementation in Administrative
and Education Support Units
Author(s): Nichols and Nichols
Departmental Guide and Record Book for Student Outcomes Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness
The Departmental Guide and Record Book for Student Outcomes Assessment
and Institutional Effectiveness
Author(s): Nichols and Nichols
Designing and Assessing Course Curricula: A Practical Guide
Designing and Assessing Course Curricula: A Practical Guide
Author(s): Robert M. Diamond
Designing and Assessing Courses and Curricula: A Practical Guide (3rd edition)
Designing and Assessing Courses and Curricula: A Practical Guide (3rd edition)
Author(s): Robert M. Diamond
Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment
Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment
Author(s): Anderson and Walvoord
Introduction to Rubrics
Introduction to Rubrics
Author(s): Levi and Stevens
Practical Guide to Needs Assessment
A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment
Author(s): Kavita Gupta
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Student Assessment-As-Learning at Alverno College
Author(s): Alverno College Faculty
Thinking About Teaching and Learning: Developing Habits of Learning with First Year College and University Students
Thinking About Teaching and Learning: Developing Habits of Learning
with First Year College and University Students
Author(s): Robert Leamnson

General Assessment Information

Book Cover Placeholder
2011 CHEA Almanac of External Quality Review
Author(s): CHEA
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Assessment Update: The First 10 Years
Author(s): Banta, Ewell, Gray, Pike, and Seybert
Benchmarking in Higher Education: Adapting Best Practices to Improve Quality
Benchmarking in Higher Education: Adapting Best Practices to Improve Quality
Author(s): Jeffery W. Alstete
Catching Theory Up with Practice: Conceptual Frameworks for Assessment
Catching Theory Up with Practice: Conceptual Frameworks for Assessment
Author(s): Astin, Ewell, Mentkowski, and Moran
First Things First
First Things First
Author(s): Stephen Covey
Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning
Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning
Author(s): Freed and Huba
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Learning Through Assessment: A Resource Guide for Higher Education
Author(s): University Leadership Council
Proclaiming and Sustaining Excellence: Assessment as a Faculty Role
Proclaiming and Sustaining Excellence: Assessment as a Faculty Role
Author(s): Schilling and Schilling
Student-Centered Classroom Assessment (2nd edition)
Student-Centered Classroom Assessment (2nd edition)
Author(s): Richard J. Stiggins


Art and Science of Classroom Assessment
The Art and Science of Classroom Assessment
Author(s): Susan M. Brookhart
Course Portfolio: How Faculty Can Examine Their Teaching to Advance Practice and Improve Student Learning
The Course Portfolio: How Faculty Can Examine Their Teaching to Advance Practice and Improve Student Learning
Author(s): Pat Hutchings
Creating Learning-Centered Courses for the World Wide Web
Creating Learning-Centered Courses for the World Wide Web
Author(s): CHEA
Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning
Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning
Author(s): Barbara Cambridge
Neglected R: The Need for a Writing Revolution
The Neglected R: The Need for a Writing Revolution
Author(s): The National Commission on Writing