K-State Student Learning Outcomes

Institutional Learning Outcomes

  • Undergraduate
    Students share in the responsibility for a successful university educational experience. Upon completion of their degree and regardless of disciplinary major, undergraduates are expected to demonstrate ability in at least five essential areas.

  • Graduate
    Graduates of advanced degree programs at Kansas State University will be able to demonstrate ability in these three learning outcomes

Program Outcomes and Assessment Plans

Each academic program and unit identifies their learning outcomes, develops assessment plans, engages in assessment activities, and uses assessment to foster a culture of "continuous improvement."

General Education: K-State 8

The K-State 8 general education program is designed to ensure that every student begins to develop "a breadth of knowledge in the areas and proficiency in the skills that [are the] hallmarks of being college educated" (Higher Learning Commission's Statement on General Education). It encourages students to be intellectual explorers and to assist students in developing a diverse set of beginning literacies that reflect a breadth of general knowledge.


Resources for Writing SLO's