Developing a Plan for the Assessment of Student Learning (ASL)
Define educational/programmatic goals and objectives for the major or program
A program's instructional goals (targets) and Student Learning Outcomes serve as the foundation for assessment planning.
In most instances, not all of the goals and everything a student learns can be adequately assessed do document achievement. However, assessment plans should be devised to assist faculty in determining whether students are able to demonstrate the most important learning expectations.
Clearly, programmatic learning outcomes must ultimately be integrated with those of the school/college, which in turn, must be aligned with the institutional learning expectations and mission statement.
Aligning Student Learning Outcomes with University Undergraduate Outcomes
Within an ASL Plan, degree-level student learning outcomes are ultimately connected to the student learning outcomes for the entire university.
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes
Programs will determine the expected knowledge, skills, and dispositions for students who earned degrees in their programs. Separate student learning outcome statements will need to be developed for various levels of the degree (e.g., Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral levels). See the section on developing measurable student learning outcomes.
Student Services Student Learning Outcomes.
Each student service unit will determine the expected student learning outcomes for students who utilize their services, activities, or educational events. Some of these student learning outcomes will tie directly into the university-wide, college, and/or degree-level student learning outcomes.
Develop Curricular/Assessment Matrix
Once the student learning outcomes have been developed your degree programs, create a separate Matrix listing the degree program learning outcomes by the required major courses. Adapted from the University of Hawaii at Manoa
What is it? Why do it?
A program's instructional goals (targets) and Student Learning Outcomes serve as the foundation for assessment planning.
In most instances, not all of the goals and everything a student learns can be adequately assessed do document achievement. However, assessment plans should be devised to assist faculty in determining whether students are able to demonstrate the most important learning expectations.
Clearly, programmatic learning outcomes must ultimately be integrated with those of the school/college, which in turn, must be aligned with the institutional learning expectations and mission statement.
What does a curriculum map/matrix look like?
A program's instructional goals (targets) and Student Learning Outcomes serve as the foundation for assessment planning.
In most instances, not all of the goals and everything a student learns can be adequately assessed do document achievement. However, assessment plans should be devised to assist faculty in determining whether students are able to demonstrate the most important learning expectations.
Clearly, programmatic learning outcomes must ultimately be integrated with those of the school/college, which in turn, must be aligned with the institutional learning expectations and mission statement.
Designing the Assessment Plan
When developing and implementing outcomes assessment strategies, the purpose should have in mind: to improve, to inform, and/or to document. The results from an assessment process should provide information which can be used to determine whether or not intended outcomes are being achieved and how the programs can be improved. An assessment process should also be designed to inform departmental faculty and other decision-makers about relevant issues that can impact the project and student learning. The intent should be to measure student learning to determine programmatic strengths and expose student learning needs and/or curricular/instructional weaknesses.
Identify and describe instruments or methods for assessing student achievement at important stages in the program.
A program's instructional goals (targets) and Student Learning Outcomes serve as the foundation for assessment planning.
In most instances, not all of the goals and everything a student learns can be adequately assessed do document achievement. However, assessment plans should be devised to assist faculty in determining whether students are able to demonstrate the most important learning expectations.
Clearly, programmatic learning outcomes must ultimately be integrated with those of the school/college, which in turn, must be aligned with the institutional learning expectations and mission statement.
Develop a timetable for collecting results of assessments.
A program's instructional goals (targets) and Student Learning Outcomes serve as the foundation for assessment planning.
In most instances, not all of the goals and everything a student learns can be adequately assessed do document achievement. However, assessment plans should be devised to assist faculty in determining whether students are able to demonstrate the most important learning expectations.
Clearly, programmatic learning outcomes must ultimately be integrated with those of the school/college, which in turn, must be aligned with the institutional learning expectations and mission statement.
Determine how the results will be disseminated and used for program improvement.
A program's instructional goals (targets) and Student Learning Outcomes serve as the foundation for assessment planning.
In most instances, not all of the goals and everything a student learns can be adequately assessed do document achievement. However, assessment plans should be devised to assist faculty in determining whether students are able to demonstrate the most important learning expectations.
Clearly, programmatic learning outcomes must ultimately be integrated with those of the school/college, which in turn, must be aligned with the institutional learning expectations and mission statement.
Implement assessment plans and revise as needed.
Once approved by the Program and College Academic Planning Councils and the Office of Assessment, departments should annually implement the assessment plan.
When initial program feedback from assessment reporting becomes available, programs should use the results for programmatic improvement or to revise objectives or plans, if necessary.
The Office of Assessment believes that if properly developed and implemented, assessment of student learning in all majors can be a beneficial tool for facilitating ongoing curricular dialogue and encouraging constant programmatic improvement throughout campus. With assessment planning located primarily in the departments, faculty exercise their responsibility to devise appropriate methods to measure student academic achievement and program effectiveness. This process gives widespread ownership of assessment planning to faculty and enables them to determine the methods and instruments that are most applicable to their educational objectives and missions.