Connect. Engage. Lead.


Student Belonging is happy to host a wide variety of programs and events throughout the year. Please check out the left-hand tabs to learn more about our leadership conferences, and Wildcat Dialogues. Also be sure to connect with our student organizations to see what programs, lectures, and events they will host throughout the year!

Check out major upcoming events from Student Belonging and our sponsored student organizations! Get more information on these events and the many more to come by visiting OrgCentral.


Cultural Recognition Months & Days

Below is a collection of dates, recognized in the United States, that seek to bring awareness to the issues and celebrate a multitude of cultures and communities.

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day (3rd Monday in Jan.)
  • Black History Month (February)
  • Women's History Month (March)
  • Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month (May)
  • Mental Health Awareness Month (May)
  • LGBT Pride Month (June)
  • Juneteenth (June 19th)
  • Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 - Oct. 15)
  • LGBT History Month (October)
  • Disability Awareness Month (October)
  • National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11)
  • Indigenous Peoples Heritage Month (November)
  • First-Generation College Student Day (Nov. 8)
  • Indigenous Peoples Day (Nov. 11)
  • National Human Rights Month (December)
  • World A.I.D.S. Day (Dec. 1)