Project IMPACT
Student programs to help you thrive
The Project IMPACT suite of programs is specifically designed to identify, cultivate, recruit, retain, and graduate multicultural and first-generation students.
In addition, students can support Project IMPACT by applying to be a Peer Mentor. Peer mentors serve as guides and role models during the MAPS and Kompass Summer Bridge programs.
Now accepting Peer Mentor applications!
Interested in supporting Project IMPACT? Apply to be a Peer Mentor today. Peer Mentors help serve as guides and role models to our MAPS & Kompass Summer Bridge program students. Applications can be submitted to the Student Belonging office in 224 Anderson Hall or emailed to Mirta Chavez.
Student Belonging has a program for everyone--beginning with 7th grade classes!
Project IMPACT Scholarships
Merit and need-based scholarships are available. The recipients of these scholarships are multicultural and first-generation undergraduate students who are seeking admission or who are properly enrolled in the College of Agriculture, College of Business Administration, or the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering at Kansas State University.
Additional Scholarships are available by visiting the Student Belonging Scholarship page. Contact Student Belonging for more information.