Diversity and Inclusion
The Division of Biology, as part of the College of Arts and Sciences, seeks to foster diversity through a commitment to recruit, retain, and advance peoples historically under-represented in university education in the United States. We understand diversity as including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, religion, mental and physical ability, age, socio-economic status, citizenship status, national origin, and immigration status.
The graduate students, staff, and faculty of the Division of Biology are actively engaged in programs and activities that promote an inclusive environment. We are committed to supporting and increasing the diversity and inclusivity of our Division through hiring practices, departmental culture, and outreach activities. We train undergraduate researchers from populations historically under-represented in biology, hold science workshops for middle and high school school girls, and are allies for oppressed, marginalized, and silenced groups, participating in programs like SafeZone. We recognize that excellence in biology is dependent on a diverse approach to addressing scientific questions, and we strive to accomplish this by fostering diversity at all levels within our Division.
Reporting violations
K-State's policy prohibits discrimination, sexual violence, domestic, and dating violence, and stalking. The Office of Civil Rights & Title IX processes complaints of discrimination, harasssment, and sexual harassment. For additional resources and support on the K-State Manhattan campus, please refer to the resource wheel.