Faculty/Staff Resources
Division of Biology
- Adding or changing courses or curricula?
- Biology Research and Instruction Enhancement Fund (BRIEF) Program (this funding is for K-State Division of Biology Faculty only!)
- Committees
- Faculty Mentoring Program
- Graduate Student Awards
- Guidelines for hosting a seminar speaker; Frequently asked questions by visiting speakers
- Guidelines for submitting (and evaluating) materials submitted for tenure and promotion
- Instructional Enhancement Grant (this funding is for K-State Division of Biology Faculty only!)
- Mid-post-tenure Evaluations for Associate Professors
- Policies and Procedures for Annual Merit Evaluation, Reappointment, Tenure, & Promotion
- Proposal Information - Fringe Benefit Rates, Tuition and Fees, GRA Salary-Tuition Proposal Submission Policies
- Research Career Development Award guidelines (this funding is for K-State Division of Biology Faculty only!)
- Templates for tenure/promotion candidate materials - Complete (includes template for dept. heads) and Candidate-specific
- Travel and expense resources
- Unclassified Professional Annual Evaluation
- University Handbook for KSU (formerly called the Faculty Handbook)
- Miscellaneous University Policies and Procedures (including intellectual property policies, tenure/promotion forms, conflict of interest statements, applications for sabbatical leave, and lots more)
- Environmental Health and Safety Policies (including lab safety procedures and guidelines, radioactive materials guidelines, etc.)
- Radiation Safety Compliance Policy
- University Research Compliance Office (information and forms for animal care, use of human subjects, biosafety etc.)
- Solid Waste Audit review forms (doc and pdf)