Biology Abroad

The first question to ask yourself is do you want to take classes, do research, or engage in service learning such as internships or shadowing?

Taking Classes

boatingOur students take classes all over the world at universities with strong science programs in the United Kingdom, Australia, Thailand, Ecuador, and more.

Highlighted programs:

Faculty-led programs: : In past semesters, Division of Biology faculty have led short (two week) summer courses in Costa Rica, South Africa, Brazil, and Ecuador. Check with your advisor to see what exciting courses might be offered next, or check all current K-State faculty-led programs and see if anything is a good fit.


research abroad

There are many in-house opportunities to get involved in research: talk to your biology advisor to find out more. There are also opportunities for research experience abroad. For example, for students interested in field work and research related to wildlife management, conservation, or marine ecology, the School for Field Studies might be a good fit.

Internships and Shadowing

Meet with an education abroad advisor to explore your interests. For example, many K-State affiliates offer service-learning placements where you can shadow professionals in healthcare-related fields. This is an excellent way to do good work, learn about your field of interest, and gain an international experience. Depending on the internship or experience, you may be eligible to get course credit by simultaneously enrolling in BIOL 495 Topics in Biology.

Check out K-State Education Abroad and set up an appointment with an education abroad advisor to learn more about these and the many other opportunities available. Costs vary by program, and scholarships and financial assistance may be available.

