Multiple correct answers
STUDENT PERSPECTIVE: I would do better on the tests if there was only one correct answer. I hate those questions with "all of the above," "some of the above," "none of the above."
Fact: Our main goal in this course is to help you understand biology, and unfortunately that means these types of questions are necessary.
The problems are that:
- We cover a lot of material in this class.
- We have to write questions in a way that the tests are fair to all students.
- In order to cover the mass of material fairly in 20 or 30 questions, we absolutely have to include more than ONE fact or concept in a question.
- The best way to accomplish that is to sometimes have multiple correct answers.
These questions can, indeed, be difficult. But, if you are well prepared for the exam and take your time to read the question carefully, you should have no more trouble with such a question than with any other. This is another of those instances where understanding a concept is critical.