All instructors are required to attend the weekly (every Monday) prep meetings for the course.
As part of the BIOL365 course, practicum students are required to answer questions about each module during the course of the semester. These short quizzes or discussion posts are approximately biweekly and are over each of the seven modules.
Responsibilities prior to and during the studio sessions:
Be on time and early enough so that you can help get the room ready for class (e.g., get ice, set up demos, re-fill water baths…) before the start of the intro lecture.
All instructors are expected to circulate throughout the room while the students work, asking them questions, answering questions, and helping them with obvious problems (like using the microscope, pipetting the wrong reagents, etc.)
Help in handing out and collecting any evaluation or other materials used during class.
Help maintain a constant level of supplies (ice, plant or animal materials, reagents etc.).
Help keep an eye on common equipment (water baths, spectrophotometers, etc.).
Help clean up common areas after your class is done, and remind students to turn off microscopes, put supplies away, clean up their area, etc. before they leave Ackert 219.
Help instructors with any other reasonable request related to teaching the class.