Grading for your practicum experience
As you know, you will get academic credit for this activity, via enrollment in Biology 365 (Practicum in Biology). This credit can be used as upper-division credit if you are a biology major (maximum of 2 hours). If you have questions about that please talk to your advisor or to Dr. Eve McCulloch, our advising coordinator. The course coordinator for the semester will assign grades. Contrary to some rumors that you may have heard, enrollment in BIOL 365 does not result in an automatic “A”. In order to earn that highest grade, you need to be responsible, punctual, and effective. The KSU students in your class deserve no less.
Grades will be awarded based on several factors, including:
- attendance at all prep meetings (or some prearranged substitution if your schedule precludes attendance)
- answering all bi-weekly questions (or participating in other activity) in a timely manner
- your performance in the classroom. This is determined by asking the faculty members who are the studio instructors in your section to rate your fulfillment of your responsibilities. You can see the evaluation form here (pdf).