Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Graduate Group

Student Seminars Fall 2024

Bioch 806 - Mondays at 4:30 p.m. in 13A Leasure Hall




September 9 Tessa
Van Buren
Investigating the role of human CLPB protein in neutropenia
September 16 Aidan Moore Mechanism of Protein Processing by Bacterial ClpB
September 23 Dexter White CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene editing to enhance seed oil in cover crops
September 30 Soheyla Fatehi Staphylococcal peroxidase inhibitor (SPIN): Investigation of the inhibitory N-terminal domain via a stabilizing disulfide insertion
October 7 Sequoyah Morabito The redox environment in Manduca sexta hemolymph plasma and the modulation of phenoloxidase activity
October 14 Alisha Lnu A systems biology strategy to identify the bottlenecks limiting medium chain fatty acid accumulation in transgenic pennycress seeds.
October 21 Tingyuan Xiao Identification of Seed Specific Promoters with A Range of Expression Strengths
October 28 Zachary Spaulding Repurposing an Anti-Tumor Drug Candidate for Targeting Bacterial ATP-Dependent Proteases
November 4 Shelby Innes Mechanisms of Lifespan and Healthspan Benefits by Neuromodulating Drugs on Wildtype and Neurodegenerative Disease Strains of Caenorhabditis elegans
November 11 Huiquan Duan Mechanistic Insights into the Inhibition of the Complement Classical Pathway by SALO from Lu. Longipalpis