Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Graduate Group
Student Seminars Fall 2024
Bioch 806 - Mondays at 4:30 p.m. in 13A Leasure Hall
Date |
Speaker |
Title |
September 9 | Tessa Van Buren |
Investigating the role of human CLPB protein in neutropenia |
September 16 | Aidan Moore | Mechanism of Protein Processing by Bacterial ClpB |
September 23 | Dexter White | CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene editing to enhance seed oil in cover crops |
September 30 | Soheyla Fatehi | Staphylococcal peroxidase inhibitor (SPIN): Investigation of the inhibitory N-terminal domain via a stabilizing disulfide insertion |
October 7 | Sequoyah Morabito | The redox environment in Manduca sexta hemolymph plasma and the modulation of phenoloxidase activity |
October 14 | Alisha Lnu | A systems biology strategy to identify the bottlenecks limiting medium chain fatty acid accumulation in transgenic pennycress seeds. |
October 21 | Tingyuan Xiao | Identification of Seed Specific Promoters with A Range of Expression Strengths |
October 28 | Zachary Spaulding | Repurposing an Anti-Tumor Drug Candidate for Targeting Bacterial ATP-Dependent Proteases |
November 4 | Shelby Innes | Mechanisms of Lifespan and Healthspan Benefits by Neuromodulating Drugs on Wildtype and Neurodegenerative Disease Strains of Caenorhabditis elegans |
November 11 | Huiquan Duan | Mechanistic Insights into the Inhibition of the Complement Classical Pathway by SALO from Lu. Longipalpis |