We have recently relocated to UMass Amherst. Please visit
our new webpage
for more information.
Welcome to the Chen Research Group!
We use computer modeling as a primary tool to understand how
biomolecules perform their biological functions, via stable
3D structures, or, equally important, lack of stable structures.
Current focus areas:
- Advanced sampling techniques and accurate implicit solvent models
- Intrinsically disordered proteins: structure, function and disease
- Multi-scale simulation of fibril growth and nucleation
- Computational characterization and design of novel functional peptides
- Advanced software for molecular modeling of small angle scattering
学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆 (孔子)
Learning without (critical) thinking leads to perplexity,
while thinking without learning ends in danger (Confucius).
Open Positions:
We constantly look for bright undergraduate and graduate
students. Students expect to receive training and pursue research in
computational biochemistry and biophysics, but will also have
opportunities to work in experimental labs. General background and
interest in biochemistry, biophysics, and/or computer programming is
necessary. We will consider strong candidates for
postdoctoral positions.
How hard are we working?
Beautiful Spring @ KSU!
KSU is one of the best 20 college campuses in US!
Manhattan: best small town to live and work (Forbes)!