The fall semester of 1970 was a very turbulent time period for African American students on the campus of Kansas State University. Still reeling from the tragic events of the late sixties, the assassinations of both Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, the Black community on campus was in a state of shock and disarray. The leadership of Mr. Lotus Rhodes, along with a group of likeminded concerned students, made a decision that would change the face of K-State for at least the next 32 years AND COUNTING!! It was in that very semester of 1970 that the BLACK STUDENT UNION was founded here at Kansas State University!!!
Kendra Spencer 2004-05 Natalie Rolfe 2003-04 Paris Rossiter 2002-03
Maurice Parks 2000-01, 2001-02 Korri Hall 1999-2000 Brandon Lamar Clark 1998-99
Colette McLemore 1997-98 Marcella Leanne Burks 1996-97 Jawwad A. Abdulhaqq 1995-96
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