Offer Guidelines

Demand for K-State talent remains strong among our state, region and nation. Interest in recruiting student interns has especially increased as more organizations utilize internships/co-ops/practicums as early opportunities to source future full-time employees. As a university, K-State values our industry partnerships, opportunities for students to connect the classroom with their career, and the advocacy of K-State champions. As a university community, we also recognize that many K-State students are encountering career-related dilemmas earlier during their college years and making some of their first important decisions about their future careers. To help K-State students establish realistic expectations and make thoughtful career decisions, the Career Center has developed the following offer guidelines for students and potential employers.

  • The Career Center recommends that employers provide K-State students with a minimum of two weeks for responding to an internship or full time offer. Students are encouraged to request such a time frame if not immediately offered by an employer.

    • Employers not able to provide that minimum time frame should help students understand their extenuating business circumstances.

    • Based on feedback provided by the Career Center's employer advisory board, some employers may be able to accommodate even greater flexibility for their offer timelines. Students should consider their rationale for needing more time and be mindful of the employer's challenges for offering an extension.

    • Students who are experiencing dilemmas about their offer circumstances are encouraged to meet with Career Center staff for problem-solving assistance, information, role-playing and support. Please see our guidelines for offer acceptance for additional guidance.

If you have questions about these guidelines, contact the Career Center.