The Center provides early childhood care and education for children of K-State students, faculty, staff, and community families.
We invite you to tour the Center! Contact us at 785-532-3700 to schedule a tour and for detailed fee information.
Enrollment process
- Complete an Application for Care(pdf) with an application fee of $50. Checks and credit card payments are accepted at the Center.
- Once your child has been offered a spot in a classroom, an Enrollment Packet will be emailed to you. The completed enrollment packet and all required paperwork must be turned in no later than ten (10) days prior to your child's start date.
- Each new child and his or her parent(s) are required to visit the new classroom together before the child starts in order to help the child transition more smoothly into the classroom. The preferred time to visit is from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
- One visit with the parent is required for preschool and
- Two visits for infants, toddlers, and twos.
Waiting list
If there is not an immediate opening for your child(ren) at the time of application, your child(ren) will be placed on the Center's wait list according to the priority list. The Center's Enrollment Specialist will contact you when there is an opening.
If your child cannot be admitted to the classroom of your choice, we will be happy to place your name on our waiting list for that specific classroom. We will contact you when an opening is available.